
Trump Remains On Top In National Poll While Carson Drops To Third

And if so, do they even have the will do it?


“I think I’ll win the Hispanic vote”, Trump told reporters after touring the bridge. And he has flawless name identification in our NBC/WSJ polls: All Americans know who he is.

Ben Carson speaks at the International Church of Las Vegas on November 15, 2015. Fortunately, the party has some fresh new ideas about how it will proceed in the now-thinkable case of a Trump nomination. And does it even exist?

The Texas senator lumped Rubio in with members of the “Republican establishment” whom Cruz perceives as having supported or otherwise enabled the Obama administration’s approach to worldwide affairs.

Clinton has a three-point advantage against Carson, and Sanders is up by six points.

And the memo makes particular note of Trump’s at-times controversial comments about women, which have included calling fellow GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina too ugly to be elected and suggesting Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was menstruating when she asked him a tough question at the first Republican presidential debate.

Among GOP voters, 26% say they “would definitely not support” Trump and his honesty grade ranks low. When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. Have them talk about a problem you solved, a solution you came up with, or the life-changing moment you delivered on. But they say they don’t care about their lives. Although Trump has taken relatively mild potshots against Carson, compared with the real estate mogul’s criticisms of other candidates – branding former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “low energy”, for example – Carson may have some self-inflicted political wounds.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), who along with Cruz has surged recently, found himself in second place in the poll with 17% support. All other GOP candidates earned 5 percent or less.

In a boon for the frontrunners, a national Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday shows former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire businessman Donald Trump widening their leads in the Democratic and Republican presidential primaries.

Ben Carson. A month ago, he was challenging Trump for front-runner status.

Among registered Democratic voters, Mrs Clinton has risen to 60 per cent support, double the backing of her nearest rival, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, at 30 per cent, according to Quinnipiac. There simply aren’t any conservative Democrats or liberal Republicans running down-ballot anymore who can buck national partisan trends, and the pool of persuadable “swing voters” has shrunk as well.

Republican Party insiders are already starting to panic about the state of the race for their party’s presidential nomination.


Hillary Clinton campaigns in Orlando, FL…

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center on Nov. 24 2015 in Myrtle Beach S.C