
Trump Renews Call To Ban Muslims

Trump also said the United States needs “much better intelligence gathering information. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on”. Trump tweeted Sunday. “If he doesn’t he should resign immediately in disgrace”.


Trump’s spokeswoman and campaign manager have yet to respond to a request for a fuller explanation of Trump’s comments about the president.

I suppose they could still come in illegally – especially if the US remains determined not to secure its own borders – but then that’s also a policy Trump at least says he wants to change.

“We are not a land of winners and losers”, Clinton said, in a nod to Trump’s rhetoric. They also are used by Islamic State as a recruiting tool, he said.

IS earlier claimed responsibility for the massacre, saying in a radio bulletin that it was carried out by “one of the soldiers of the caliphate”.

He redoubled his previous call for a temporary ban on Muslims coming to the USA, saying that policy would stay in place until the government can “properly and perfectly” screen immigrants.

“This is a moment when all Americans need to stand together”, Clinton said. They knew the people in San Bernardino were bad. “It matters that we got bin Laden, not what name we called him”, Clinton said. He doesn’t want to see what’s really happening. “And that could be”.

He cited presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s proposed temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the country. He’s not calling it what it is.

To combat ISIS, Clinton called for countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait to stop funding radical Islamic groups, as well as a plea for increased resources for law enforcement agencies working to combat terror both at home and overseas. “This isn’t fighting Germany; this isn’t fighting Japan, where they wear uniforms”. The protesters’ calls were overpowered by a chorus of “We love Hillary”, which Clinton let run for half a minute before she calmed the chaos.

He said Clinton should exit the presidential race if she does the same. “So that’s not the problem”.

“To me, radical jihadism, radical Islamism, they mean the same thing. We must be smart!” Trump then referred to radical Islam as “Anti-American”, in a speech in New Hampshire. “That is Hillary Clinton”. He touted “better cooperation” between state and local officials, as well as between the U.S. and its allies.

She specifically called out three United States allies – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait – for allowing its citizens to fund mosques and schools that train jihadists.


“Today is not a day for politics”, Clinton said, at a widely covered event in Cleveland, during which she called for unity and promised to pass gun control measures, after yesterday’s tragedy in which a lone gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS during a three-hour standoff that left 49 club-goers dead. Currently, such guns are legal in the U.S.

Bernie Sanders will meet with his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton after the Washington DC primary