
Trump reports personal fortune of more than $10 billion

“We have a very extreme element within our Republican Party”, McCain said. With the support of 17 percent of Republican primary voters, Trump led Scott Walker by 3 points and Jeb Bush by 4 in the survey. It was apparently rescheduled several times due to their busy travel schedules.


Will Trump’s early front-runner status among Republicans last? One aide, speaking on background, said Trump asked a lot of questions, seeking out Cruz’s views on a number of issues. And given that there have been only three polls taken this month and that the Fox debate is on August 6, there’s basically no chance that enough new polls can emerge showing Trump doing badly enough that he won’t make the top ten.

What, for instance, did Candidate Trump say in private when he talked to the Friends of Abe, the support and networking group actor Gary Sinise started for about 2,000 political conservatives working in Hollywood?

His controversial comments that some people illegally crossing into the United States from Mexico are “rapists” and “criminals” have drawn widespread backlash and put national GOP leaders on the defensive. Likewise I am very critical of illegal immigration and the tremendous problems including crime, which it causes. “What it’s about, I have absolutely no idea”. Given that Fox is in the ratings business, that seems unlikely.

Trump had met with many other GOP presidential hopefuls, including Cruz, in the months before he chose to launch his own bid.

Donald Trump isn’t just an embarrassment to the Republican Party, or to whatever percentage of unserious self-identified Republicans say they would vote for him. On the graphs below, Trump’s is the largest, hugest, classiest, most luxurious dot.

“One of the things I respect about Donald Trump is he’s willing to stand up and speak the truth, and he’s willing to take on Washington”, the junior senator from Texas said. From the moment most Mexicans set foot on USA soil, they are breaking our immigration laws.

His campaign noted that Trump held stakes in nearly 500 business entities and said the federal forms are “not designed for a man of Mr. Trump’s massive wealth”. For instance, they have boxes once a certain number is reached that simply state $50 million or more. “I like people who weren’t captured”.


How much the personal financial disclosure form will reveal is uncertain. He said his income a year ago was $362 million. However, at the same time, Trump claimed he would be worth “well over $10 billion” after an unspecified “increase”.

Donald Trump