
Trump Responds to Frenzy Over 2nd Amendment Remarks, Blasts Media as ‘Rigged’

A US Secret Service official has spoken to the Donald Trump campaign over his Second Amendment comments.


Speaking at a rally in Wilmington, N.C., yesterday, Trump said that if Clinton were elected, she could appoint judges to the Supreme Court who might “abolish the Second Amendment”-and went on to imply those supporters of the Second Amendment could stop her”. I am humbled and moved by the Republicans willing to stand up and say Donald Trump doesn’t represent their values.

Upon accepting the support a convention in May, Trump promised the group: “I will not let you down”.

Those comments immediately sparked a firestorm of criticism of Trump both on Twitter and in the mainline communications media, and particularly among Democratic sectors, that the magnate had, in effect, issued a veiled call for violence against the former first lady.

Napolitano said Clinton “made a mistake” with the way she set up her private email server and called the email controversy Clinton’s “Achilles’ heel”.

According to CNN, the Trump campaign told law-enforcement officials that the NY billionaire never meant to incite supporters to violence.

With a vacancy on the nation’s Supreme Court and the potential for the next president to name several new justices, Trump said Clinton would “decimate the Second Amendment”, which guarantees Americans the right to bear arms. These are Donald Trump’s own words, and as Hillary Clinton said in Iowa, words matter.

Republican Senator Susan Collins said on Monday that that dispute led her to announce she would not vote for Trump.

“You get to a certain point in this business, you’re not just responsible for what you say, you are responsible for what people hear and that might be a good lesson here”.

Shortly after CNN published its report, Trump tweeted that no such conversation had taken place.

Some critics believe Mr Trump was referring to gun violence against his rival.

“A person seeking to be the president of the U.S. should not suggest violence in any way”, it said.

Moments before Mrs Clinton’s remarks, a man later described by US media as an animal rights activist appeared to try to force his way on stage, but was stopped and removed by US Secret Service.


Clinton’s campaign decried Trump’s “dangerous” language and demanded in a statement that presidential hopefuls “not suggest violence in any way”.

A robot arm at a Nissan assembly plant in Brazil