
Trump responds to Rubio attacks with Christie endorsement

Chris Christie has a reputation for vengeance.


Real estate magnate Donald Trump chose Cowtown as his site to announce perhaps the most high-profile endorsement of his campaign, the support of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. His surprise appearance alongside Trump in Fort Worth served as Round 2 against Rubio, who had hoped to ride a wave of momentum into “Super Tuesday” next week after aggressively taking down Trump on Thursday night.

The New York billionaire said Rubio has abandoned Florida as Senator and that he defrauded his state.

Christie, who quit the presidential race following a dismal showing in New Hampshire, appeared with Trump in Texas.

Somerset County Republican party chairman Al Gaburo, who participated in the call, said he was obligated to discuss the Trump endorsement with the 21 municipal party chairs.

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. “And I think that any of the governors would do well for me”, LePage said on the George Hale-Ric Tyler Show on WVOM. “But I don’t believe that his endorsement of Donald Trump says much of anything about why I chose to endorse [Christie]”.

He said the only way to explain the tweets is “that’s how they spell at the Wharton School of Business”, at the University of Pennsylvania, where Mr Trump attended, or “he must have hired a foreign worker to do his own tweets”. So far, Trump has won in three out of the four caucus and primary events, despite losing by three percentage points to Cruz in the Iowa caucuses, which kicked things off at the beginning of the month.

Christie was also in the running for the Republican nomination. “Showmanship is fun, but it’s not the type of leadership that will truly change America.” – to voters at a New Hampshire campaign stop in January. He made little mention of the many criticisms he leveled at Trump when he was a candidate, such as when he called Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States “ridiculous”.

Asked about the hand-wringing in the Republican establishment about Trump, his campaign manger, Corey Lewandowski, said, “Look, we’ve got relationships with those guys and we talk to them all the time”.


Christie feels that Trump is overwhelmingly likely to be the nominee. Trump referred to Rubio as “nervous Nellie” and said: “I’ve never seen a human being sweat like this guy sweats”.

Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump from President