
Trump Returns to N.H. After GOP Debate

To a few applause, he said, “I happen to think the police are not being treated properly in this country”.


“Any time we break records, we all like it”, he said.

Probably realizing he’d plowed over the boy’s dreams like a pothole-repairing steamroller, Trump observed, “You love it, I can see, right?”

When pressed on how he could carry out the deportation of millions of people, Trump said “you’re going to have a deportation force, and you’re going to do it humanely”. At the Manchester event, Trump also launched into musings about how the private sector is starting to get into space, though he seemed to be unaware how much NASA money goes into such commercial ventures in the form of subsidies. “The problem of heroin in New Hampshire in unbelievable, and you know where that stuff comes from”. We started off with 17 and one by one they are disappearing.

“If you look at any high-tech arena, often in the early innings, the government has provided tremendous support”, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and the spaceflight company Blue Origin, said during a press event in September. “The drugs are pouring in…when I say, ‘build a wall, ‘ I’m not just playing games”. “People get hooked, unknowingly”. Trump remains at the top of the polls in New Hampshire, which is likely to hold its primary on February 9.

“I think that police are not being treated properly in this country”, he said.

“We need to cherish our police, respect our police, and let them do what they need to do”. “My plan is to leave Social Security alone”, he said.

Asked about the looming deadline for the EPA to rule on ethanol content in gasoline, Trump said, “We’re doing a report on that over the next three to four weeks”.

“It’s very exciting, and if you’re looking to do that I think it’s terrific for the future”, Trump continued.

It was unclear if Trump was joking or not, but two New Jersey political science professors said there are several reasons a Trump/Christie ticket was unlikely and there were also reasons why the two Republican presidential candidates have not publicly attacked one another. Attendees sit at white tablecloths and have a nice meal amid wooden eggs that the candidates are supposed to sign.


Trump was expected to deliver a stump speech at the event Wednesday in Manchester, N.H. Instead, he skipped his normal remarks to field questions from the audience for almost one hour. Organizers said this was the biggest crowd Politics & Eggs has seen for any of the presidential candidates, with more than 700 people in attendance.

AP FACT CHECK GOP candidates flub some figures in debate