
Trump running mate Gov. Mike Pence makes double-stop in MI

Mike Pence is scheduled to be in Lima (LY’-muh) for a rally Friday night at the University of Northwestern Ohio.


Less than 24 hours after a Washington Post reporter was banned from a Mike Pence campaign stop, officials from the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Office staged a press conference in front of the Waukesha County Expo Center Thursday to explain events.

The Indiana governor was in Grand Rapids this afternoon and is in Novi this evening making his second public appearance to MI as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate.

Pence defended his relationship with the media, and said his legislative contributions to protect reporter-source confidentiality is proof that he believes in a free press.

“The client came to the Sheriff’s Department and said, ‘We would like you to back us up in what’s going on, ‘” he said.

But Pence did earn praise from journalists during his time in Congress for supporting a federal shield law.

Now that Pence has removed himself from the gubernatorial race to join the Trump ticket, the “Pence Must Go” organization has evolved to include other messages such as “Trump-Pence Make America Hate Again” and “Trump-Pence Wrong for America”.

“Even if Donald Trump’s successful, it’s the beginning of the end if this rhetoric persists in the Republican Party”.

“Winning their votes is the critical element of the campaign, and makes Pence’s visit to Waukesha so important”, Franklin said. “They’re going to have such problems”.

He also targeted Hillary Clinton and her running mate, Tim Kaine.

“To be around Trump is to be around a man with broad shoulders, who speaks his mind, who doesn’t tip toe around rules of political correctness”.

The U.S. Supreme Court has four Republican-nominated justices and four Democrat-appointed justices since the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia in mid-February.

Trump has bashed the corporate world in a way few Republican presidential candidates have before, calling the Chamber of Commerce a “special interest” and saying that rival Hillary Clinton would be “owned by Wall Street” as president.


“It’s important to remember that what unites us in this nation will always overpower what can divide us”, he said.

Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence Courts Voters Waukesha