
Trump’s anti-terrorism plan is unoriginal – except for his disturbing Muslim ban

The US would stop issuing visas in any case where it can not perform adequate screenings.


Trump’s speech was aimed at resetting his struggling campaign against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. “Today they are fully operational in 18 countries”, he said, adding that Clinton lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on Isis. Mr. Trump promised Monday to destroy the Islamic State by calling an worldwide conference and enlisting the help of any country – including Russian Federation and Arab dictatorships – willing to assist in fighting the radical organization and other extremists.

He did say that implementing the policy overhaul would require a temporary halt in immigration from “the most unsafe and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism”.

Trump is right when he says we need a better plan to stop terrorism. Additional speeches with more details are expected in coming weeks, they said.

After major military victories, the 240-year-old United States has tended to pour money and aid back into countries it has fought to help re-establish governments and services.

Donald Trump presented his strategy for dealing with ISIS to a crowd in Youngstown, Ohio. He proposed using USA cyber-capabilities to hinder terrorist communications and propaganda.

Trump also called for a beefed up approach on homeland security. Some of his ideas, like relying on more human intelligence to target terrorists in addition to drone strikes, echo Obama administration policy.

Trump is right that the Islamic State capitalized on the political and security vacuum in Iraq in 2014, but it’s not clear that a long-term USA military occupation to hold and exploit Iraqi’s oil resources would have led to a more stable outcome.

While he described the screening test Monday as a form of “extreme, extreme vetting”, Trump didn’t offer any specifics about the types of questions that would be asked of prospective immigrants. Vice President Joe Biden speaking at a campaign event with Hillary Clinton said that Mr Trump’s claim that Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton had “founded” IS proved his views to be “dangerous” and “un-American”, and that it had made United States soldiers in Iraq less safe already.

His campaign aides said a new ideological test for admission to the USA would vet applicants for their stance on issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights.

Trump also asserted that Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Iran all posed lesser threats before Obama took office.

“He would nearly certainly fail, given his general ignorance and weak grasp of basic facts about American history, principles and functioning of our government”, Reid said in a scathing statement. Instead of calling them the literal founders, he said that the rise of the terrorist group “is the result of policy decisions made by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton”.

“With one episode of bad judgment after another, Hillary Clinton’s bad policies launched ISIS onto the world stage”, Trump said.

Also Monday, The New York Times reported that Ukrainian anti-corruption investigators are probing whether Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort got an illegal multi-million dollar payoff from the pro-Russian party of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Campaigning with Clinton in Pennsylvania on Monday, Vice President Biden said that “Trump is already making our country less safe” by alienating Muslim allies and inflaming anti-American sentiment.

Clinton has also rolled out a counter-terrorism plan, arguing that allies would be more willing to work with her administration than one led by Trump.

During Monday’s 49-minute speech at Youngstown State University’s Kilcawley Center, the presidential nominee referenced World War II and the Cold War, mentioning that during the latter the United States had “an ideological screening test”.


“He needs to continue to hammer home the fact that national security and economic security go hand-in-hand – and not fly off the handle before it’s time to give the next speech”, said GOP strategist Ford O’Connell.

Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump Campaigns In Youngstown Ohio