
Trump’s appeal to Blacks ignores the facts

He couldn’t pretend to be inclusive and statesmanlike for two days in a row if his life depended on it.


At a campaign rally in Lansing, Michigan, for example, Trump said, “Look how much African-American communities have suffered under Democratic control.To those I say the following: What do you have to lose?”

Do you plan to ask Trump about the charges that he is a racist? When you are addressing a group of people who live in some of the most polluted zip codes in the country and where poverty is so high that taxes simply aren’t an issue, these are not particularly compelling arguments.

“You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed”. What the hell do you have to lose?’

That’s right, black Americans.

The Republican presidential candidate will speak about education, unemployment and safety, Burns said in a campaign statement Sunday night. Come on now, all politicians want your vote.

“Murder rates are so low that a small numerical increase can lead to a large percentage change”, reads the report. In comparison, Mitt Romney got 6 percent of the black vote in 2012 running against the reelection of the nation’s first black president.

The unemployment rate for African Americans is 8.4 percent, which is almost double the national average of 4.9 percent.

So Trump is fighting to launch New Trump version III by being seen speaking to black people. From the evidence, no.

PPP asked respondents to rate Trump alongside notoriously unpopular fixtures in American culture, such as personal injury lawyers, being stuck in the middle seat on an airplane, junk mail, bedbugs and the bubonic plague. The data indicates that 97 percent of African-American voters have an unfavorable opinion of Trump while 3 percent were undecided.

During a brief dalliance with Google, I learned that Trump has used “the” before whites at least once – when commenting that Black Entertainment Television doesn’t offer awards to “the whites”.

Jackson said that he will be presenting questions to Trump that are “relevant to our community, especially when it comes to economic opportunity, to jobs, and also when you look at numerous African Americans who have shot by police”. “Try something new. I’m something new, ‘” he said.

The desire to convince whites he is not a flaming bigot may also be why one of the pillars of Trump’s campaign – the promise to round up and deport 11 million undocumented immigrants – has suddenly gone wobbly.

If elected, Trump could never actually carry out such a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing.

The party of Lincoln is now home to White nationalists, former Klansmen, White Supremacists, Birthers, Birchers, nativists, extremist Evangelicals and a hodge podge of haters of everything that is not White or American as they define it.

Conway said in a response to The Fact Checker that Trump has taken steps to reach out to communities of color. But Trump has a long way to go to reach minority voters. More common was the suggestion that Trump was using the remarks to appeal to whites who might support him. “That includes going where the voters are and not just checking the box; taking the case directly to them”. And Monday morning, he lobbed even nastier personal insults at the show’s co-hosts. Racially segregated neighborhoods, far from being accidental, became set in stone because of the US government’s actions, and by discriminatory policies, such as those the Trump family organization was found guilty of, as detailed in The New York Times.


Rosenfeld did find a 16.8 percent increase in the homicide rate – which is used as a proxy to measure all crime, since it’s the most reliable crime statistic – in 56 of the largest United States cities from 2014 to 2015. It’s delusional to pretend otherwise.

Donald Trump speaks in Des Moines Iowa last week