
Trump’s border trip comes as GOP tries to woo Hispanics

In addition, he’s very religious and actually served in the armed services unlike some of his fellow candidates.


“I’m the one that brought up the problem of illegal immigration”, Trump said, referring to it as an issue he would “get straightened out”.

But here’s why you don’t have to worry about Trump becoming president. For Republicans, Trump was a genius until he wasn’t. The businessman and aspiring politician has made no secret about his feelings on Mexican immigrants, whom he called “criminals” “rapists” and “drug dealers” in a now-infamous campaign announcement. Cuellar pointed to federal crime statistics rebutting Trump’s claims that the border area is less safe than the rest of the country.

Indeed, the insults flying between Trump and his rivals have been caustic. Sen.

For some, the remarks sparked fear of a growing anti-immigrant movement. A Trump bid draws 20 percent of voters, increasing Clinton’s lead to 46-30 over Bush. When’s the last time a candidate entertained you as well as educated you?

Should he run as an independent, Trump would be following in the footsteps of Ross Perot.

“He’s a smart man. He’s a smart guy”.

He concluded by labeling Trump a “false prophet” and urging his party to reject him. Not one to keep quiet, Trump reacted in the completely adult fashion by calling her a hypocrite. How else can you explain his doubling down on these gaffes, restating them in even harsher terms after being called on them? John McCain’s heroism as a prisoner of war for more than five years. While most consider the comment beyond the pale, it remains largely unpunished by voters who find his candor refreshing.

“Of the activists I know, most people are not Trump supporters”, he added. There’s an excellent chance he knows more about his opponents than they realize.

But the Post poll also helps explain the GOP reticence. Trump isn’t beholden to anybody. “And when they see someone like Donald Trump, who spends all his time throwing invectives and being very negative to individuals, I don’t think that’s going to play well”.

In a statement, the union said it was backing out of all Trump events. This means he can speak his mind without having to check with handlers or worry about losing the support of a potential donor because he takes a controversial stance. A lot of illegal immigrants are visa overstayers. “And the first step to getting noticed is being where people are looking in the first place”. Try illegally immigrating to any nation outside of Western Europe and watch what happens to you.

Project confidence: There’s nothing more reassuring than showing that you are confident in your own worth. “We need to secure the border, but we also need other elements”. They put their outrage in a blind trust as long as Trump was, in Perry’s words, “throwing invectives in this hyperbolic rhetoric out there” against Obama and the GOP’s other enemies. Most importantly, his positions resonate with Main Street Americans, meaning his trajectory in the polls is nothing but up. When he accepted Trump’s endorsement during the 2012 Republican primaries, Mitt Romney was giddy about how cool it was to be with the man who emblazons his name on gaudy hostelries. Trump has the money, the power and the message that he will be a strong contender no matter what happens. In a two-way race between Clinton and Bush, she wins by 50-44 among registered voters.

The cantankerous candidate has not only sucked up a massive amount of oxygen in the GOP contest, observers say, but has splintered what was once a united Republican-candidate effort to go after presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.


Universal: That political responsibility may be lived at all levels as a high form of charity.

Donald Trump greets supporters and tourists at the Trump Tower