
Trump’s campaign tryies to smooth over relations with Republican party insiders

It should also concern Trump’s defenders who believed he was standing by the tax plan posted on his website, which includes a cut to the top rate, from 39.6 percent to 25 percent.


Mr Trump has a clear lead in the number of delegates but may fall short of the 1,237 threshold required to win the nomination without a contested convention – where the nominee is chosen through negotiations among party figures.

Donald Trump on Friday issued a robocall to independent voters in California, urging them to re-register as Republicans in order to vote for Trump in the state’s primary election.

According to the survey conducted by Capitol Weekly/Sextant Strategies, 15 percent of Republicans said they remain undecided.

Barbour, who is also a member of the Rules Committee, admitted that though he is undecided, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “incoherent”. “I have to finish that, OK?” he said. Other Republican leaders said they were eager for the primaries to be over, so the party could focus on the general election.Todd said he wasn’t surprised about the dead heat in the Democratic primary race in Indiana.

“I can tell you that Ben Carson – Dr. Ben Carson – is a terrific guy”, Trump said.

“When he’s sitting in a room, he’s talking business, he’s talking politics in a private room, it’s a different persona”, Manafort said, per NBC.

“Donald Trump may be the only human being on earth who Hillary can beat”, he said.

As Trump continues to rail against “a rigged” nomination process, he sent Manafort and his newly hired political director, Rick Wiley, to help improve relationships with party officials at the meeting. Those comments prompted headlines saying that he backtracked or amended his position, but the Republican presidential candidate did not explicitly state that he no longer supports transgender individuals being able to use the bathroom of their choice. I think she’s got a lot of ethical questions surrounding her campaign.

In Pennsylvania, Trump is nearly 20 points ahead of Cruz. Here are some of Trump’s most notable quips since his announcement.

“[It would be hard in that case to deny him the nomination] without appearing to have somehow cheated Mr. Trump and an unknown percentage of his voters, who may be angry enough that they punish the country by staying home and letting Hillary Clinton become president”, he offers.


“For some of the rank-and-file (Trump) supporters, this is kind of the last straw”, Cutlip said.

Carlos Barria  Reuters