
Trump’s Defeat Was a Rigged Vote, Say Aides

While state law dictates that Arizona’s 58 delegates must vote for Trump on the first ballot because he won the presidential preference election here, the state law also allows delegates to vote for other candidates after the first ballot if the convention is contested and there are multiple rounds of voting.


“It is gonna be a contested convention”, Cruz said on ABC’s This Week program. Based on the results of the March 15 primary, Trump will get 15 of those delegates and Sen.

Republican Party officials rejected the accusation of foul play, saying that supporters for Mr Cruz and John Kasich, a trailing presidential rival, had simply combined to form a legitimate majority against Mr Trump.

“California is going to decide this Republican primary”, said Cruz, whom Wilson praised for his “keen intelligence” and commitment to conservative principles. If there is a contested convention, the state’s delegates can switch to back Cruz. I’m leading him by millions and millions of votes and I’m leading him by 400 or 500 delegates.

The convention will be held in Philadelphia in July. “Maybe he and I have said 50 words to each other”, Cruz said on Fox.

“Carly terrifies Hillary Clinton”, he said. His campaign organization was also on display at the convention.

“It’s a very narrow path but if Donald Trump doesn’t have enough pledged delegates going into the convention, so he fails on the first vote. a lot of those delegates are released to vote as they like on the second ballot”, Michelson explained.

HARRISONBURG, Va. (AP) – U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who has since dropped out of the race. John Kasich helped it fall apart by refusing to advise his supporters to vote for Cruz in order to keep Donald Trump from winning.

While Trump flies at 30,000 feet, Cruz is organizing at a granular level, district-by-district, block-by-block, hoping to win suburban, inland and Central Valley congressional districts and perhaps in heavily Democratic districts where a small number of conservative Republicans can make a difference in the closed GOP primary. The senator’s victories continue to demonstrate the potential shortcomings of a Trump operation still beefing up its campaign infrastructure in anticipation of a drawn-out general election fight against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Republicans are going to live to regret making a deal with Ted Cruz to stop Trump.

Indiana’s May 3 primary offers up 57 delegates.

Donald Trump must be stopped, and it’s up to Republicans to do it.

“Trump got cheated”, DeWit yelled as supporters around him raged at the results.

Earlier in the day, the Trump operation – boosted by a very loud majority of supporters in Mesa – seemed to be on track to mirror their dominance in the March primary.

Trump or Cruz would need 1,237 delegates to claim the nomination, and right now Trump has 996 and Cruz has 565, according to the Associated Press delegate tracker.

In addition to the 13 delegates selected on Saturday, Virginia’s 11 congressional districts have yet to elect three delegates each, adding another 33 delegates.


The Bloomberg Politics delegate tracker shows Clinton with 2,156 delegates, including 520 superdelegates, while Sanders has 1,357 delegates, 39 of whom are superdelegates.

Ted Cruz's new running mate Carly Fiorina slams Donald Trump in California