
Trump’s Doctor Wrote Health Letter in a Mere Five Minutes

As I noted earlier, Borstein wrote in the letter that Trump would be the “healthiest” person to assume the office of the presidency, but the Clinton campaign says they are “confident saying Dr. Bornstein has never examined George Washington”.


The letter from Jacob Bornstein, released past year, promised that Trump would be the “healthiest ever” president-elect if he defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in November.

As for the letter’s purple, Trump-like prose, “I think I picked up his kind of language and then just interpreted it to my own“, he said.

Speaking to NBC News, Dr Harold Bornstein also insisted that he wrote the letter, which contains some notably Trump-esque phrasing, and repeated his glowing if non-medically specific endorsement of the candidate’s fitness for office.

The four-paragraph document has made headlines again recently after Trump supporters have called Hillary Clinton’s health into question.

Dr Harold Bornstein told NBC on Friday he wrote the certificate out in a rush and didn’t even have time to proofread it.

Two weeks before the letter was released, Trump promised “a full medical report” that would “show perfection”.

My father, Dr. Jacob Bornstein (also known as Dad), treated Mr. Donald J. Trump’s father, Dr. Jacob Trump. As a result, he is placing the blame for the letter squarely on Trump, by claiming that he was rushed and anxious.

In the one-page statement, the doctor highlighted Trump’s 15-pound weight loss previous year and lab results Bornstein called “astonishingly excellent”.

Many US media outlets, including the Huffington Post, Vox, Policy.Mic and CNN, have described the suggestions by Donald Trump and his campaign that Clinton is hiding a serious medical condition as conspiracy theories, after fact-checking them. In his letter, he said his father, Dr Jacob Bornstein, had filled the role previously. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow pressed Trump campaign manager Kellyane Conway on the issue during an interview Thursday.

“His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary”, the doctor wrote, explaining that his blood pressure was healthy and a common test to check for prostate cancer was “very low”.


“I know her physician, and I know some of her health history, which is not so good”, the gastroenterologist told NBC. (In a more conventional letter released a year ago, Clinton’s physician declared her fit.) Bornstein making the claim may be actionable.

Donald Trump's Doctor Wrote Health Letter In 5 Minutes He Says