
Trump’s Hardline Speech on Immigration Upsets Members of Hispanic Advisory Board

At least one Hispanic Trump surrogate has already pulled his support for the GOP candidate.


Menendez told The Jersey Journal that Trump’s speech did more than just “seal his defeat” in the presidential race. Hightower’s daughter, Iofemi Hightower, was mu.

Maybe, but some surveys, such as this one conducted right after the conventions, seemed to show that Democrats were more enthusiastic about their candidate than Republicans were about Trump.

But the problem with this line of thinking is that the voters have such a different opinion concerning the economy, one influenced by their political loyalties, that one could easily say that their voting tendencies are at all a result of their view of their economy, but the opposite – in line with the idea that voters are, indeed, locked in.

The back-to-back meetings, held in a ballroom in Northwest Philadelphia, underscored the balancing act the Republican nominee is playing as he tries to expand his support in the race against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

In his immigration address Wednesday, Trump put forward several hard-line proposals, including new limits and entry criteria for legal immigrants, while also reaffirming a pledge to deny legal status to anyone who remains in the country illegally.

At the invite-only roundtable discussion, Trump met with a dozen local business, civic and religious leaders who praised him for coming to “the hood” as part of his outreach efforts.

Another important Hispanic supporter of Mr Trump, Alfonso Aguilar, president of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, also said he was “inclined” to withdraw his support.

“Even if a candidate like Donald Trump was telling the truth about the conditions in some impoverished communities of color, it’s hard to receive it because he has been so flat-out disrespectful and inconsiderate of African-Americans and people of color and their contributions to this country”, Wilkerson said. Young people across racial and ethnic groups favor creating a pathway to citizenship for otherwise law-abiding immigrants who are now living in the country illegally. “That’s a big deal”.

“That will help American workers and help the economy. Everybody came here searching for a better life”, said Toney. “We reject his notion that we have nothing to lose by supporting him”.

Last week, Clinton again handed legitimacy to the Republican party through the way she has made a decision to attack Trump.

President Barack Obama is expected to spend much of October campaigning for Clinton, focusing in particular on increasing turnout among young people, blacks and college-educated whites. Trump and Clinton are locked in a virtual tie in Georgia, which has gone red in presidential races for the last 20 years. The Hampton University Center For Public Policy, which surveyed 801 likely Virginia voters from August 24 through August 28, found Clinton was only two points ahead of Trump, 43 to 41 percent.

In an emotional exchange, Shalga Hightower said her daughters’ killers “should have never been here” and praised Trump for giving her daughter recognition. “I truly, truly thank you from the bottom of my heart”, she said as Trump listened intently.

At his events, Trump has been featuring parents whose children have been killed by people living in the USA illegally. Trump said this week he would block taxpayer dollars from going to any cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

“Tremendous numbers, tens of thousands of people, are being affected”, he claimed, adding that Clinton “has no clue and doesn’t care”.

The documents include technical details about how the server in the basement of Clinton’s home was set up.

The Clinton campaign and the super PAC account for 79 cents of every dollar spent on political television ad spending so far.

After a yearlong investigation, the FBI recommended against prosecution in July, and the Justice Department closed the case.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine will visit a Labor Day festival in Cleveland, while former president Bill Clinton will headline the annual AFL-CIO Labor Day picnic near Cincinnati.

Black vote concentrated, but key in Trump-Clinton matchup