
Trump’s naked statue removed from Manhattan

Created by artist group INDECLINE, the model in NY was only up for around two hours before it was taken away by the city’s Parks Department.


People gather around a statue depicting republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the nude on August 18, in San Francisco, CA. Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, when asked about the naked Trump statue, said, “That is a frightening thought”.

It’s a project called “The Emperor Has No B-s”, – an obvious reference to the famous fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes – put on by a group called INDECLINE, according to The Washington Post”.

Anarchist collective INDECLINE has done their part to humiliate Donald Trump by erecting life-size sculptures of the presidential candidate.

The artist who conceptualised the statue normally works on designing monsters for horror movies and haunted houses.

The statue soon became a focus for selfies in New York’s Union Square, before it was removed by the city’s parks department. “The installation of any unapproved structure or artwork in a city park is illegal”.

“It was absolutely in my wheelhouse to be able to create these monstrosities”, said Ginger proudly.

The Republican candidate has shared intimate views on why migrants should be subjected to “extreme vetting” when entering the US, put his wife Melania and children front and center at the Republican convention and even shared his impeccable medical history with the electorate.

At the foot of the statue is a signature: Ginger.

Parks department demolishes display to criticism from fans.. “NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small”, a spokesperson told AFP in an email.

Trump, of course, had to defend himself.


The artist used 300 pounds of clay and silicone to make the 80-pound statues.

A woman points at a statue of a naked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump