
Trump’s New TV Ad Predicts Wave of Crime by Immigrants, Refugees

Even as Trump begins to compete on television, he will still be outpunched by Clinton and her supporters: Her campaign and super PACs are scheduled to air $12.8 million in those four states – plus the time they’ve bought in other states that Trump has so far passed on contesting on television.


Donald Trump on Friday released his first TV ad of the general election season, painting his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, as an establishment politician who would uphold a “rigged” system.

“No group in America has been more harmed by Hillary Clinton’s policies than African-Americans”.

Additionally, women surveyed back Clinton over Trump 49% to 30%, respectively, while men support Trump 45% to 33%.

The ad, which is part of a $4 million buy in four states to run through August 29, ominously predicts a wave of crime by illegal immigration and refugees taking advantage of the American system.

“Donald Trump’s America is secure”, the narrator states.

Clinton has led Trump in the poll throughout most of the 2016 campaign, and has maintained her advantage following last month’s Republican and Democratic conventions.

The biggest reason why Donald Trump is struggling in the polls is that he has no discipline. The remark about winning 95% of the African-American vote was another in a long line of delusional promises and boasts that Trump makes off the cuff on the campaign trail.

Trump’s main focus is on Florida, where the billionaire spent $1.4 million in airtime across six media markets.

“Sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing”.

Trump’s decision to visit Louisiana came after the White House said President Barack Obama was unlikely to break from a New England vacation to survey the damage, despite calls for him to visit and meet with responders and victims.

Trump, who has eschewed ad spending in favor of free media coverage to fuel his outsider campaign, has fallen over the past few weeks in most recent swing state and national polls. “I have done that”, he said in Charlotte. “And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain”.


“Hillary Clinton has proven to be one of the greatest liars of all time”, he said Thursday night.

CLEVELAND OH-August 17 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tours John Marshall High School