
Trump’s Phoenix visit to highlight GOP immigration split

Despite our prediction that Luxe wouldn’t risk offending half the L.A. population-half it’s potential market and much of its workforce-by hosting a man who said Mexican immigrants are criminals and “rapists”, the venue stood by its guns and endured an army of police, TV crews and demonstrators.


The candidates have been careful to distance themselves from Trump’s inflammatory remarks – “They’re bringing drugs”.

“We have to prevent those bad people from getting into our country in the first place and we have to deport them or jail them immediately when they commit serious crimes”. Only last weekend did Jeb Bush – after a muted earlier response – call the “rapists” comment “extraordinarily ugly” and “not reflective of the Republican Party”.

Trump shrugged off the call, insisting it was congratulatory; the master of the deal is also a master spinmeister. They are natural entrepreneurs even though they haven’t received the education they deserve.

That’s the case for a least some New Hampshire voters who were impressed by Bush’s performance at a town hall meeting this week and offered favorable _ and unprompted _ comparisons to Trump. It’s the first of the campaign.

The senator says national security is his top concern. Their ambitions could quickly suffocate. The other day The New York Times ran not one but two op-ed columns about Trump’s candidacy. But, thanks to you Mr Trump, you have brought Washington to our doorsteps. He’s scoring with some ultra-frustrated conservatives at this preliminary stage by appearing to boldly speak his mind without the calculated caution practiced by conventional politicians. “Our policies are failing, and I think I’m the best person in the field, including Hillary Clinton, to reset world order”, said Graham. But House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, couldn’t get enough support for even a watered-down version in his chamber.

“People came into the country illegally and killed their children”, Trump said at a press conference at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on Friday.

Protesters plan to gather outside the convention center, as they did Friday in Los Angeles for another Trump event. The statistics about how many illegal immigrants commit serious crimes, or whether they commit more per capita than US citizens, are debatable and hard to come by, largely because the government doesn’t care to tally them.

That was a swipe, in particular, at Sens. I could be much more offensive to Ricky Perry…every time I watch Lindsey Graham he wants to bomb everybody? In 2010, the Republican signed a tough bill cracking down on people in the country illegally.

Trump on Wednesday had tweeted that he would be “in California this weekend making a speech for Clint Eastwood”, although his campaign wouldn’t specify he was referring to the Friends of Abe event.

“I’m not interested in Republican-on-Republican violence”, Cruz insisted, though he’s hardly shy about calling out fellow Republicans when it suits his purposes. Coats says he will retire from the Senate and won’t seek re-election in 2016.

Trump took the bait.


“We have to stop illegal immigration”, the billionaire businessman told interviewer Mark Halperin yesterday. “It’s a really shame that’s occur to our region”.

Image credit YouGov