
Trump’s rise part of worldwide rightwing advance: Clinton

But Kaine also linked Republican presidential contender Donald Trump to racism at Florida’s only public, historically black university – picking up a theme aired this week by Democrat Hillary Clinton.


During the interview, Trump appeared to struggle to link Clinton to any specific instances of bigotry, instead alleging that her policies neglected African-Americans and Hispanics.

Hillary Clinton said Friday the charitable programs of her family foundation would continue, perhaps through partnerships with other organizations, if she’s elected president, even as critics argue that would present a conflict of interest. How any publication that considers itself true to basic journalistic standards could justify that is beyond me and I worked as a reporter for The Evening Sun and the Sun for over 42 years.

She said, “He is taking a hate movement mainstream”.

In a video published on Thursday, the Clinton campaign attempt to link Trump to the KKK.

“I don’t think these efforts will do a lot to help him in minority communities”, Fraga said.

Trump responded to the ad and Clinton’s impending attack speech (she gave a speech focused on Trump’s ties to the alt-right shortly after Trump finished his speech Thursday) by saying “shame on you”.

In an interview airing Thursday night, Cooper challenged the real-estate mogul to explain what made Clinton a bigot.

“They’re going to go straight out for the vote that they haven’t been able to garner thus far in the polls”, she said.

She added that Trump’s recent choice of Steven Bannion (pictured below), a hardline conservative, as his new campaign chief showed he had embraced extremist white nationalist stances associated with the “alt-right” movement.

“She lies, she smears, she paints decent Americans as racists”, said Trump, who then defended some of the core — and to some people, divisive — ideas of his candidacy.

Trump said her policies “are bigoted because she knows they’re not going to work”.

Many black leaders and voters have dismissed Trump’s message as condescending and intended more to reassure undecided white voters that he’s not racist.

Trump also sought this week to moderate his earlier comments on immigration.

Calling it “a exhausted, disgusting argument”, he said it was Clinton who was being a “racist” by viewing minorities merely as a source of votes while doing nothing for them. “More importantly, you don’t get to the White House without addressing the nation’s civil rights agenda”.


The agency told The Associated Press it expects to release the last of the files around December 30.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has a 43-point lead among Jewish voters in Florida a crucial swing state