
Trump’s Threatening Tweets to Cruz: “He Will Fall Like All Others”

And that’s what mattered most to Republicans surveyed in a new Associated Press-GfK poll.


Among Republican registered voters, almost 6 in 10 offered a favorable opinion of Trump. Some 57 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of ISIS and seven in ten say the fight is going badly for the U.S. Evangelical voters have an outsize role in Iowa’s Republican electorate. “I believe that gravity will bring both of those candidates down”.

“I don’t think there’s anything that could be worse for Republicans than Trump being our nominee”, says Doug Heye, a Republican strategist who has served as a former deputy chief of staff for Eric Cantor and a Republican National Committee official. “I mean, he’s somebody that I could certainly say that [about] because I like him”. “But I love the fact that he’s decisive”.

Muhammad Ali hit out against Islamic extremists and Donald Trump’s plan to bar Muslims from entering the United States on Wednesday. And get rid of that Muslim Nigerian. “And I think that is a question that is a challenging question for both of them”, Cruz said of Trump and Carson. “I’m with everybody”, Trump said.

The idea that Trump likes Cruz resonated with some in the audience.

Marco Rubio has focused much of his time recently on curbing Cruz’s conservative support in an effort to build a campaign appealing to multiple factions of the GOP. From that position, he told them, he hopes to gain the “lion’s share” of Trump’s supporters should he fall. Ted Cruz earned the next highest mark, with 56 percent calling him very or somewhat decisive. He also said that we will know in the next few months if the establishment is treating him fairly.

Unfortunately for Carson, likeability isn’t among the most desired attributes among Republicans in this campaign.


But Cruz was quoted questioning Trump’s foreign-policy “judgment” at a closed-door event earlier this week. So, he gets a lot of money from the oil companies, and he’s against ethanol and everything you’re else talking about. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

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