
Trump’s tough words on immigration irritate Mexicans, Hispanic partners

“As a compassionate conservative, I am disappointed with the immigration speech”, the CEO of the Hispanic-owned computer consulting firm Greater Houston Partnership Massey Villarreal said to USA -based Latino news press NBC Latino, adding that he was ready to leave Trump.


Senator Armando Rios Piter from the center-left Party of the Democratic Revolution will present the legislation next week in hopes of sending a message to Trump about his immigration policy.

“This is just the start of a very tough, detailed negotiation”.

Natividad said Colorado voters understand that Trump’s controversial stance on immigration is about security.

“We’re gonna get rid of all the bad players that are here”, he told Fox News’ Greg Bolling.

Donald Trump has made his promise that Mexico would pay to build a wall along the US border a centerpiece of his proposed immigration policy. “Nobody can tell me I plagiarized my thesis”, the president said.

Trump was reportedly peeved that Peña Nieto made that portion of their conversation public, according to the Wall Street Journal.

During his speech in Phoenix Wednesday night, Trump indicated that he still plans to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, saying, “You can not obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country”.

The legislation is created to counter any attempt from the U.S. government to make Mexico pay for a wall on the U.S. -Mexico border, and gives the Mexican Senate power to disavow global treaties if Mexican national and business interests are threatened by another state.

“Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation”, said Trump during the Arizona rally.

Several of Trump’s major Latino supporters said they were considering dropping their backing following his speech, Politico reported.


“We heard a populist propaganda con-artist and I’m done with it”, said Jacob Monty, a Former member of the Trump National Hispanic Advisory Council while on MSNBC Thursday night.

Mexico calls Trump wall plan 'outrageous' after visit