
Trump’s Virginia Campaign Chair Blames Clinton for ‘Encouraging’ Dallas Shooting

President Obama will cut short his European trip to visit Dallas where 12 police officers were shot, five of them died in an ambush.


Clinton asked her mostly black audience to acknowledge that “implicit bias” still exists in a country where police force is used against black people at least three times as often as it is against white people.

He instead posted a Facebook video urging people to “stand in solidarity with law enforcement, which we must remember is the force between civilization and total chaos”.

At stake is the white, working-class vote, which Trump says he can turn out in droves in MI and other upper-Midwestern battlegrounds long carried by Democrats. I listened intently as step-by-carefully-measured-step he laid out overwhelming evidence that everything we had heard about Clinton’s gross negligence and outright lies were in fact gross negligence and outright lies with untold damage done to both individuals serving the republic and to the republic itself.

Trump was scheduled to hold a rally in Miami Friday, but that event was postponed.

Donald Trump said Monday he believes relations between police and the nation’s African-American community are “far worse” than people think, predicting that protests against police violence that followed last week’s slaying of five police officers in Dallas “might be just the beginning for this summer”.

Stein could make a strong bid to backers of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who ran a close race with Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Based on 2,153 interviews, the poll results suggest a strong potential for a third-party candidate – like Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party or Jill Stein of the Green Party – to take enough of the vote in the November 8 presidential election to influence its outcome.

“The shooting of the 12 police officers in Dallas, Texas, has shaken the soul of our nation”, Trump said.

“I think we would want to talk it through and make sure we knew what the job was and what he had in mind because it’s not an automatic yes”, he said. “And Hillary – I don’t trust what she says about law enforcement, not at all”. She praised the work of police while calling for criminal justice reform and greater efforts by police and minority communities to listen to each other. “And I think that might be just the beginning for this summer”.

Newt Gingrich might soon mount a return to government, if Donald Trump gives him the chance.


“And certainly if they’re going to allow that to go along rhetorically, this is not a good thing for our country”, he said. Every member of this body wants a world in which people feel safe regardless of the color of their skin.

Clinton said that