
Trump’s Wisconsin Defeat, Delegates, And Election Social Media With Chris Moody

Michigan Republicans meet tonight in Lansing to select national convention delegates. Trump, for one, has talked about riots if he’s denied the nomination after arriving at the convention with the biggest share of delegates, even if he’s short of 1,237.


“The only person on planet Earth incapable of beating Hillary Clinton is Donald Trump”, Murante said.

Today’s installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

The state’s Republican party is “purposefully” remaining neutral “because we want them to come campaign here”, Proud said. “This is the reward at the end of a four-year rainbow”.

Look at North Dakota, for example.

The state convention continues tomorrow at the Lansing Center.

Delegates must support their candidate at the national convention, but only during the first round of balloting. The GOP calls them “unbound”.

Sanders still trails Clinton in the pledged delegate count and has so far been unable to persuade superdelegates- the party officials who can back any candidate – to drop their allegiance to the former secretary of state and back his campaign.

Describing Wisconsin as a “turning point”, Cruz, a Texas senator, told backers that Republican voters will increasingly turn to him as the alternative to Trump. “You can bet a whole bunch of money on it, but you can’t bet your
life on it”.

His campaign is taking steps to reflect greater seriousness of goal, with plans for Trump to deliver a series of policy speeches meant to give him a more presidential image. While Cruz is leading in Los Angeles County and those living in the state’s vast but sparsely populated interior, support for Kasich is evenly spread across the state, although he is stronger in the San Francisco Bay area.

Trump made no public appearance after the results were announced.

“The Republican race, there really isn’t anybody good in it”, he said.

Despite his own lengthy history with the party, Emineth said the process should be more open to outsiders, grassroots enthusiasts who bring energy to the party. With 172 delegates up for grabs, California could be a deciding factor if Cruz is able to keep building momentum. “Folks, I think you can forget about him”, Trump said to cheers. Nate Silver explains Cruz does well regardless of the method delegate selection, starting with states that have no popular preference vote.

“They could peel off and vote for another candidate after that”, he said. But there are almost 1,200 delegates that could be in play.

So the election of delegates at the district conventions “will be far more important than it has been in the past”, according to Tim Hagle, who teaches political science at the University of Iowa.

In states like Pennsylvania and IL, voters elect delegates on the primary ballot. But there are 15 others who, while intending to support someone else, are technically free to support any candidate.


Maryland will hold its presidential primary on April 26th with Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Republican presidential candidate Ohio Gov. John Kasich speaks during a town hall meeting at the Henninger Athletic Center at Le Moyne College Friday Apri