
Trump says Clinton attacks can’t ‘stand’ at Manchester rally

“It’s the oldest play in the Democratic playbook”. (With the Trump campaign, incompetence is usually a stronger bet than strategic guile.) Whatever the explanation, Trump’s muddling of his stand on immigration has left policy experts unconvinced that he’s moderating and they are clamoring for something resembling clarity. A lot of recent polls show that you’re down by double digits here.


“It’s a exhausted, disgusting argument and it’s so totally predictable”.

At a MS rally on Wednesday, Trump called Clinton a “bigot who sees people of colour only as votes, not as human beings”. David Perdue, Rep. Tom Price, and local favorite and former White House hopeful Herman Cain.

Arguing Trump has hurt the country, Clinton said she would need to “repair the damage that has been done”. For some reason or other he doesn’t understand that we have laws in this country’.

Meanwhile, Trump and Clinton also sparred over who would be a better advocate for African Americans and other minorities, and Trump hinted he could soften his hard-line stance on immigration. “That it is 2016 and that we are running against a campaign with ties to white supremacy movements and white nationalist movements is nearly hard to comprehend”, she said. “But they don’t like Hillary Clinton“.

The GOP nominee accused Clinton of pushing policies that have led to widespread poverty and squalor for minority Americans in cities that Democrats run.

Questions about Clinton’s health have also been pushed by Trump supporters and surrogates, CNN reported.

The campaign is expecting to air a new ad, which paints rival Hillary Clinton as a job-killer, as soon as Monday in nine states: Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida, where the campaign has already been on the air, along with New Hampshire, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada – all battleground states.

Trump has tried recently to broaden his appeal to them, hinting at a softening of his hardline position on immigration.

Trump has toned down some of his rhetoric regarding deporting all of those in the USA illegally, focusing of late on only sending the criminals back home.

‘Part of that is a wall, part of it is electronics, part of it’s boots on the ground, aviation assets, ‘ he said – indicating that perhaps Trump’s wall would not be entirely physical.

“All along the way, we have been talking to people who know Trump and are giving advice”, said one Democrat close to Clinton’s debate planning.

– Trump’s son and, like all of the GOP nominee’s adult children, a close adviser – told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday that the campaign isn’t anxious about Schwartz.


Abedin announced Monday she is leaving the former New York congressman after the New York Post published photos it said showed Weiner “sexting” again. On birthright citizenship, Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence said on CNN this past weekend, “The whole question of anchor babies, as it’s known, the whole question of citizenship, of natural-born Americans is a subject for the future”.

Debate prep Clinton Trump