
Trump Says Clinton Could Shoot Someone, Not Be Prosecuted

Donald Trump delivered a call to arms for America’s conservative right on Friday, urging them to vote en masse on Election Day to defeat White House rival Hillary Clinton, who urged more robust national security efforts.


With this one brief press conference, Clinton signaled loud and clear: I’ve done this before.

“Mike always prided himself as a champion of Ronald Reagan’s memory and to see the party of Reagan now led by Donald Trump, someone who speaks so glowingly of a Russian autocrat, a country that is invading his neighbors and dismantling its own democracy, it’s really just staggering”, Schiff said Friday.

“We don’t play games”, he said in a memo to Federal Bureau of Investigation agents some of whom were reportedly sharply critical of the decision not to charge Clinton despite finding her “extremely careless” in handling the nation’s secrets as America’s top diplomat. “National security experts on both sides of the aisle are chilled by what they’re hearing from the Republican nominee”.

Trump’s praise of Putin, which he repeated during a televised national security forum on Wednesday night, has drawn sharp criticism from Democrats and some Republicans.

“They would dream of having her as president”, Trump said of ISIS fighters.

Lewandowski allowed that Putin may have done some “terrible things”, but said what was more important is that he is against the terror group ISIS.

Democrat Hillary Clinton said North Korea’s determination to develop a “deliverable nuclear weapon” represents “a direct threat to the United States”.

President Barack Obama condemned the test and said the US would never accept the country as a nuclear power. “I was totally against the war in Iraq” he said, pointing to a 2004 interview with Esquire magazine glossing over his comment two years earlier to an interviewer when asked if he supported the invasion, “Yeah, I guess so”.

The first, from Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, came on Tuesday.

“Russia, if you’re listening”, Trump said July 27, “I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, pressed repeatedly on Trump’s plan, said only, “He wouldn’t do what’s being done now”. In a November debate, the GOP candidate boasted that he “got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes”.

“Hillary Clinton’s North Korean policy is just one more calamitous diplomatic failure from a failed Secretary of State”, Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

Lauer allowed Trump’s false claim that he opposed the US invasion of Iraq to go unchallenged, while lingering on the issue of Clinton’s handling of email during the Democratic nominee’s tenure as secretary of State.


“It will be on the top of my list in dealing with China on how we’re going to prevent what could very well be a serious conflict with North Korea”, she said.

Late Night: A Closer Look at Clinton'Scandals vs. Donald Trump Pay to Play