
Trump says gloves are off in White House campaign

The polls and the focus groups and the experts find that voters view Clinton as untrustworthy, someone who craves power, who got where she is because of her husband.


Fresh off a spirited convention, Hillary Clinton told prospective voters Friday they face a “stark choice” in November and pressed ahead with the scalding rhetoric against her Republican rival that marked numerous speeches in Philadelphia.

“He wants us to fear the future and fear each other”. “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons”, Clinton said of Trump.

While her speech was not as electrifying as those given by US President Barack Obama and some other prominent Democrats at the Philadelphia convention, Clinton was authoritative and self-assured in her pitch to the public.

She acknowledged some people still do not know her well. “My job titles only tell you what I’ve done”. Arnet said she lives amid Trump supporters: “I overhear people at the supermarket saying, ‘Gosh, weren’t those Trump kids fantastic?'”

In an hour-long address, she laid out an optimistic plan to improve the United States economy, stressing that “my primary mission as president will be to create more opportunity and more good jobs with rising wages”. But in her convention speech and her first events afterward, her priority was to go after Trump, not ask for trust.

Trump spoke to a half-empty basketball gym Friday in Colorado while thousands of people clamored to get in.

“Change that makes America great again”, the video promised. “What the Clinton campaign has to do is not make him interesting but make him threatening”. “No wonder people are anxious and looking for reassurance – looking for steady leadership”. “Because when any barrier falls in America is clears the way for everyone”, she said.

Then, in a move that was rare for either convention, Hillary Clinton started nearly exactly on time and launched into a very different kind of speech.

To accommodate the Sandernsitas, the Democrats are now offering full-spectrum economic populism – an essentially anti-globalist, anti-corporate vision that has more than a little in common with Trump’s. During retired General John Allen’s remarks, chants of “USA!” filled the hall and large flags were brought in to be waved. “She is the smartest girl in the class”, said Arnet, who runs a local nonprofit organization, the Women and Girls Foundation.

“I will carry all of your voices and stories with me to the White House”, she said. Many of her statements were lies and fabrications!

The 68-year-old Democrat portrays Trump as a threat to democracy, seeking to woo moderate Republicans repelled by the former reality TV star and shore up a coalition with progressives on the left of her party. I desperately want her to persuade enough Americans that she can be a credible and competent president.

Three-time New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who savaged Trump’s business record on Wednesday night, was granted the nickname that Trump used to reserve for Florida Sen. They both garner high “unpopularity” ratings. She urged her listeners to believe that Trump was serious about his extreme policy proposals, that he meant what he said and that there was, as she put it, only one Donald Trump. The effort to portray Trump as unfit for the presidency carried over, too. The theme of the evening had been “Stronger Together”, a point made particularly well by the parents of a Humayun Khan, an American Muslim soldier killed in an action in which he saved several of his fellow-soldiers.

The rally with Kaine kicked off a two-day bus tour of Pennsylvania and OH, where Clinton’s campaign hopes she can reach the white, blue-collar voters that Trump has been drawing in struggling Rustbelt towns and cities in western Pennsylvania and in eastern and central Ohio.


Donald Trump pulled off the upset – at least in television popularity.

President Barack Obama at work in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington last month