
Trump says he’d immediately deport ‘criminal illegal immigrants’

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday night that he would make a major speech on illegal immigration in Arizona on Wednesday.


It was a striking look at Trump’s leadership of a team he had said would help drive him to victory in the November 8 election.

The very goal of surrogates is to speak for and back up their presidential nominee.

Both candidates remain highly unpopular among the general public, with 58 percent of voters saying they have an unfavorable view of Trump and 57 percent saying the same about Clinton. Any discussion of inconsistencies or potentially non-presidential tweeting, Pence and others suggested, reflected media focus on the wrong issue.

“This year, the GOP is offering the voters a chance to break up the corrupt establishment and to create a new American future”, Trump said in his prepared speech – a marked shift in delivery from the famously off-the-cuff candidate. Lately, Trump has been trying to clarify his views about overhauling the USA immigration system.

He’s been consistent on a few points, however: building a US-Mexico border wall, “extreme vetting” of new immigrants and deportations of those who commit crimes.

“I mean, you’re going to hear more detail in next two weeks that lays out all the policies”, Pence said.

Pence added, “You couldn’t have a more clear choice between Donald Trump and me, who will end illegal immigration in this country, and Hillary Clinton”. There are 38 on Clinton’s “issues” page, ranging from efforts to cure Alzheimer’s disease to Wall Street and criminal justice reform, and her campaign boasts that it has now released 65 policy fact sheets, totaling 112,735 words.

“He is talking about being fair and humane [but] also being fair to the workers who are competing for jobs, being fair to all of us who want secure borders”.

While Trump could succeed as president as a “big picture, set the tone, drive the direction and move the government” kind of leader, Fleischer said that would require him to surround himself with a knowledgeable and capable staff.

She declined to comment further on Trump’s current position on deportations, but said, “I can tell you, if you’re an illegal immigrant and you’ve committed a felony of any sort, you will be deported”.

“You have millions of people who are waiting in line to come into this country, and they are waiting to come in legally”, he had added.

His surrogates on Sunday refused to comment on Trumps reaction to the fatal shooting of National Basketball Association star Dwyane Wades cousin Friday, as she pushed her baby in a stroller in Chicago.

He says: “African-Americans will vote for Trump because they know I will stop the slaughter going on!” Trump tweeted. He later sent a tweet offering his “condolences to Dwyane Wade and his family”. Sandi Winton, a Glenwood, Iowa, resident who has supported Trump since 2008, said they didn’t undermine her support.

Hill expressed a desire to see the presidential race become more positive and said partisanship had damaged the political process.


Pence appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union”, Priebus was on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, and Conway was on “Fox News Sunday” and CBS’ “Face the Nation”.

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