
Trump says he has no questions about Rubio’s eligibility to be president

Cruz did not mention Trump during his remarks to the South Carolina Tea Party convention, but wasn’t so reticent with reporters, telling them that the NY billionaire is attacking him because he now leads polls in Iowa, which opens the Republican nomination process on February 1. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, departs a campaign stop in Washington, N.H., on Monday.


Trump suggested Saturday that the Texas senator is owned by big banks like Citi and Goldman Sachs.

The Republican presidential front-runner connected the Canada issue to a new report about Cruz failing to disclose a second bank loan that he used to boost his 2012 Senate campaign.

Noah said that he’s never been more impressed with Trump than when he was “making Ted Cruz look like a dick” by invoking the strength of the people on and after 9/11.

Cruz said that he’s been a “consistent” conservative but noted that Trump has donated to Democrats in the past and expressed support for progressive policies. Trump sent a series of tweets aimed at Cruz early Saturday morning. “That formulation didn’t come from me, it came from Trump”, Cruz said.

Trump said that Cruz “fought like hell” in order for Roberts to be Supreme Court chief justice, which Trump believes was a disaster. As for the loans, Cruz and his aides cited paperwork errors that would be rectified. They were very confused: ‘Well, what are these NY values of which you speak?’ ” Cruz said.

“I think in terms of a commander in chief, we ought to have someone who isn’t springing out of bed to tweet in a frantic response to the latest polls”, he said. Asked to say where he differs with Trump on national security, Cruz flatly replied, “To be honest, I don’t know what Trump’s position is”.

“I would note that Donald’s record does not match what he says as a candidate”, Cruz said, gamely tackling questions he routinely swatted away for seven months.

Trump, for his part, backed off from his criticisms of Cruz that he had broadcast loudly all day on Saturday.

“Everybody that loves the people of NY, and all they have been thru, should get hypocrites like Ted Cruz out of politics!”


Over the weekend, Trump called the senator a “nasty guy” who no one likes. You tell me that 33%, that 40% nationally, he didn’t just drill it down to a New Hampshire or an Iowa, where he’s leading by double digits, except against Cruz in Iowa where he’s much closer, but he’s at 27, 25. “They’ve learned over and over again, politicians don’t tell us the truth”, amidst the reference of an interview Trump gave several years ago in which he laid out his support for abortion rights.

Trump Cruz en shadow