
Trump says he is the ‘candidate of compassion’

Sasse’s 1,600 word essay was a scathing indictment of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and asked voters to look inward to address how the race culminated with those options – and how to change it.


The Pentagon said Flynn’s retirement had been in the works, but Flynn says he was “let go”, because he disagreed with the commander in chief about “radical Islamism and the expansion of al-Qaida and its associated movements”, he wrote in the New York Post.

Rob Portman, former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and Gov. Nikki Haley as possible alternative picks for Trump’s running mate.

“I am the law and order candidate”, she is “weak, ineffective, pandering”, and referring to her handling of classified e-mails on a private server, she is “either a liar or grossly incompetent”.

The speech was the latest in a series of teleprompter-delivered prepared remarks aimed at convincing tired Republicans that Trump has the discipline and control to mount a credible general election bid in a likely faceoff with Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump narrowed to three points this week after Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey recommended no charges be brought against the former secretary of state over her use of a private email server.

Donald Trump once thought “Crooked Hillary” was qualified for the White House. He said it was “an outrage” to accuse Republicans of not caring about the death of five police officers in Dallas.

Republican lawmakers have been sharply critical of the department’s decision not to pursue Clinton, the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for the presidency. In March, dozens of members of the Republican national security community signed an open letter calling Trump’s vision for America “wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle”. “I think it’s a risky risk that might not be worth the payoff”.

Someone like Trump, who also once supported abortion rights and who once donated money to Democrats, was always going to have less ideological flexibility in choosing his running mate than, say, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to consider Trump more qualified.


Trump exclaimed that veterans “are dying because they can’t even get to see a doctor”. Labeling illegal immigrants as “rapists” and “murders”, then questioning whether he would receive a fair hearing from a “Mexican judge”, are statements that have angered most of the Latino population in this country, pushing them away from a party that Republicans desperately need if they hope to win back the White House. “And we’re going to open our country up and we’re going to be a huge jobs producer again instead of having awful jobs”.

Donald Trump continues to attack Hillary Clinton on everything from campaign spending to ISIS.                      KNXV