
Trump says he regrets comments that may have caused pain

“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing”, Trump said in Charlotte, NC, reading prepared remarks off a Teleprompter.


Donald Trump expressed “regret” for his fiery rhetoric – especially when it has “caused pain” – during a speech in North Carolina Thursday evening as he struck a new tone and laid out his vision of the nation’s future.

Confidence in either U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump or his Democratic counterpart Hillary Clinton being a good president continues to remain low, as was the case earlier this year, a Pew Research Center poll said on Thursday.

It was the first major speech by Trump since his campaign announced the addition of Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen Bannon as campaign CEO and pollster Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager. And in the meantime, Ms Clinton has been able to build commanding leads in most of the swing states. “She never tells the truth”.

Yet Trump has struggled badly in recent weeks to offer voters a consistent message, overshadowing formal policy speeches with a steady stream of self-created controversies, including a public feud with an American Muslim family whose son was killed while serving in the USA military in Iraq. It’s the kind of conspiracy theory, backed by no evidence, that Trump has touted through this campaign and since he rose to right-wing prominence by raising false questions about President Obama’s place of birth.

“We’re going to make sure Donald Trump is comfortable about being in his own skin, that he doesn’t lose that authenticity that you simply can’t buy and a pollster can’t give you”.

Trump’s advertising plans highlight his shrinking path to the presidency. His biggest single-market investment comes in the Philadelphia area.

“The entire model is to put more people in the field and less money in brick and mortar”, Woodhouse said. “Those states are critical on that pathway”.

News reported on Thursday that Trump will spend $716,000 in OH, most of which will be split between Columbus and Cincinnati, with lesser amounts going to Dayton, Lima, Toledo and satellite stations.

In a city where more than a third of the population is black, Mr Trump also reached out to minority communities.

Even veteran reporters who followed Trump on the campaign trail were surprised to hear just the opposite, Trump, using the word ‘regret, ‘ in talking about himself and what he has said.

This is a time when Mr. Trump should have already united his party behind his candidacy, but a large swath of rank and file candidates are not supporting him, or ignoring him altogether.

Trump has called Mexican immigrants “rapists”, disparaged the appearance of certain women, mocked a disabled reporter and battled publicly with the Muslim parents of an Army captain killed in Iraq.

“We learned tonight that his speechwriter and teleprompter knows he has much for which he should apologize”, Christina Reynolds, a spokeswoman for Clinton, said in a statement.

“There’s not a single job that gets created from that, there’s not a single uninsured American who gets health care from that kind of nastiness”, she said.

Manafort has spent months trying to ingratiate Trump to Republican lawmakers who have urged the billionaire businessman to dial back his fiery rhetoric and run a more traditional campaign.


“I will not rest until children of every color in this country are fully included in the American Dream”, Trump told his audience, again accusing Democratic Hillary Clinton of “bigotry”.

Trump to rally in Charlotte following campaign fundraisers