
Trump says he wants a database for Syrian refugees, not all Muslims

But he also voiced support for additional surveillance, both of arriving refugees and certain mosques. “To pick out a single group of people and say they must be registered as potential suspects I think is to set out on the wrong track”.


“George it did happen”, Trump responded.

After going through Trump’s comments, Maddow stressed the importance of Trump being clear about whether or not he supports such a database.

Trump, among the most outspoken of the 2016 presidential candidates on illegal immigration, also said that if elected he would make Syrians resettled in the US leave the country.

The first reference to a database came in a Trump interview with Yahoo News published Thursday. The upsurge in violence has put pressure on the candidates from outside government, primarily Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who have little foreign policy or national security experience.

On the campaign trail in Hollis, New Hampshire on Friday, Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich said, “We are not at war with Islam”.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, campaigning in Iowa, said he was glad Trump was running because he had generated a lot of excitement for the Republican race, but criticized his support for registries. If I’m treated fairly, I’m fine.

The idea that someone would have to register with the federal government due to their religion strikes against all that we have believed in our nations history, he said.

Asked Thursday by NBC News if he wanted to monitor Muslims in America through a database, Trump replied he would “certainly implement that”.

He said Sunday that he would want a database of Syrian refugees coming into the USA “When the Syrian refugees are going to start pouring into this country, we don’t know if they’re ISIS, we don’t know if it’s a Trojan horse”, he said.

According to a report by the NY Times, asked later how such a database would be different from Jews having to register in Nazi Germany, the republican front-runner repeatedly said, “You tell me”, before dismissing the question.

“What I want is a watch list”, the billionaire businessman and former Atlantic City casino mogul said via phone during an interview on Fox News’ “On the Record”.

The US House of representatives passed legislation this past week essentially barring Syrian and Iraqi refugees from the United States.

Waterboarding was discontinued by President Obama in 2009.

“Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie defended his argument that the administration can’t be trusted to vet refugees, adding “orphans under the age of five” shouldn’t be admitted to the country because there is no one to care for them”.


“We should not cast the mischief made by a tiny number of people across the shoulders of people who are desperate and themselves victims of bad violence”, the cardinal stated.

Jewish Groups slam Trump's proposed registry for Muslims in the US