
Trump says he was ‘blindsided’ by Ryan

And after months of bragging about largely self-funding his own campaign – a decision that was praised again and again by his supporters- Trump for the first time acknowledged at a rally that he plans to begin actively soliciting contributions.


“Probably am. There’ll be Democrats who can’t support Hillary Clinton, and you know some of them will hold their nose and vote for her. Some of them will do it enthusiastically”. “Republican women, voters, are going to have to decide, ‘Is that the guy I feel comfortable with representing me, and what I care about?'” he said of Trump at a news conference.

The tremendous anger of the current USA electorate – whether Republican, Democrat or independent – is a result of people fearful about the future, concerned with the direction of our country and tremendously frustrated by the abject failure and inability of leaders in Washington, make anything better.

The campaign expects to assemble a “Republicans for Hillary” group, and Clinton has, from her days in the Senate and as secretary of state, cultivated strong relationships with prominent Republicans and their top staff members.

Jeb, who is the son and younger brother of two former presidents, today said that he would not vote for Trump.

“You’re supposed to be coming together”, Trump said about the Republican Party now that he’s the presumptive nominee.

Hillary Clinton seems to be adopting a more centrist policy in general, to win more voters: in particular, Bill Clinton, still quite popular among the working class, as the one to be responsible for creating jobs in economic black spots.

Dole said he will support Trump at the GOP convention this summer.

As for Drazkowski, he said he realizes that Trump may end up being the only option conservatives have because of the hope he will support at least some conservative principles.

Barack Obama has warned Donald Trump that occupying the Presidency “is not a reality show”. He mocked Graham’s poor primary showing, saying, “Like the voters who rejected him, so will I!”

Mr Trump said he was taken aback by Mr Ryan’s rebuke.

Trump has raised howls of protest even within his party with his harsh, free-wheeling speech and proposals ranging from banning Muslims from entering the United States to building a wall on the southern border to keep out Mexican migrants to slashing U.S. funding for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation so allies have to pay more. “I’m not surprised with the Bush family”, he added regarding their not supporting him.

Their hard-line opposition underscores just how much trouble Trump has in front of him in uniting a deeply fractured Republican Party ahead of November.

Former presidents George W Bush and his father George HW Bush have both declines to back the billionaire property developer’s candidacy, as has Jeb Bush, who was repeatedly insulted by Trump during the primary campaign.


The letter’s author has become “frustrated with the current field of presidential candidates (particularly on the GOP side)”, and he wraps the letter up with “God Save The Queen”.

Former Sen. Bob Dole greets fellow veterans while attending a Veterans Day ceremony at the National World War II Memorial on Nov. 11 2015 in Washington DC