
Trump says he was wrong about ‘top-secret’ Iran cash video

The actual video shows footage from Geneva, Switzerland, on January 17, where American hostages flew after Iran allowed them to leave prison. “They want to embarrass our president”, Trump said.


“Iran – I don’t think you heard this anywhere but here – Iran provided all of that footage, the tape of taking that money off the airplane”, Trump said at a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla.

And the Washington Post asked the Trump campaign whether the footage of hostages arriving in Geneva played by Fox News is the video that Trump saw. The Geneva footage Trump saw, then, does not illustrate the transaction. The footage he is referring to shows three shadowy figures disembarking from an aircraft, and was first shown on Fox News. “The answer’s very simple: Yes”.

Clinton has been leading in a lot of them: Pennsylvania (eight), MI (six), OH (0.8), Iowa (0.5), Wisconsin (5.6), North Carolina (0.5), Virginia (5.3), New Hampshire (seven), Colorado (eight), Nevada (2.5) and Arizona (0.5 percentage points), it said.

“I really would like him to explain why he paid Chinese workers to make Trump ties”, Clinton said, holding up one of his signature neck ties, “instead of deciding to make those ties right here in Colorado with a company like Knotty”.

An aide to Ryan said Friday, “He appreciates the gesture and is going to continue to focus on earning the endorsement of the voters in southern Wisconsin”.

Poll Director Terry Madonna says before the Democratic National Convention, Trump was actually ahead in the state by one point. That earlier move was widely interpreted as Republicans writing off Johnson’s chances against Democrat Russ Feingold, who has led in polls. The state is essential to Trump’s candidacy, both because he has argued that working class white voters in the Rust Belt will flock to his candidacy and because he needs to pick up some states Romney lost four years ago to beat Clinton, and Pennsylvania’s been shifting more Republican. Billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch are major donors to Republicans.

Trump’s insistence that he saw a video that his own campaign acknowledges doesn’t exist is the latest distraction in a week in which Trump has embroiled himself in repeated ― and needless ― controversies. Coffman promises that if Trump is elected, “I’ll stand up to him”.

Yet even after the Trump campaign effectively debunked his description of the video, he made the same false claims in Maine. That prompted an outburst of laughter from the crowd and led Pence to predict that Matthew will be governor of North Carolina someday. And, you know, they told us you are going to be there for 20 minutes but it took like hours and hours.


“Secretary Clinton leads among more sub-groups than Mr. Trump, although Mr. Trump leads among those in the lowest income and education groups, those living in rural counties, self-described conservatives, and men”, the analysis said.

Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally Aug. 4 2016 in Portland Maine