
Trump says he won’t self-fund general election campaign

Marco Rubio, and two were uncommitted.


And after months of bragging about largely self-funding his own campaign – a decision that was praised again and again by his supporters- Trump for the first time acknowledged at a rally that he plans to begin actively soliciting contributions.

Two days after the IN primary all but sealed Trump’s victory as the man who will lead the GOP ticket IN November, he is appealing to big-money donors he blasted during the primaries as he takes his first steps toward raising the massive amounts of cash he’ll need for the general election campaign.

US Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton took quick aim at presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday night, saying the United States should not take a risk on an unreliable candidate.

With 1,086 delegates, Trump has 86 percent of the delegates needed to clinch the nomination.

The South Carolina senator and former White House hopeful says in a statement he doesn’t believe Trump is a “reliable Republican conservative nor has he displayed the judgment and temperament to serve as commander in chief”.

During his administration, Trump said, Hillary Clinton “was a part of nearly everything – almost – I say, not everything”, Trump said at one point, drawing jeers from some in the crowd. He says no matter what, he will do everything he can to help the next president. He told the AP he will announce his running mate choice at the July convention. He said he prioritizes someone with governing experience and with whom he has a good rapport, citing Barack Obama’s selection of Joe Biden as a model. Bernie Sanders to get out of the Democratic primary, but he suggested the Vermont senator’s prospects are slim. But Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., who is up for re-election in November, said that “I vehemently oppose our nominee” because he disparaged women, Hispanics and veterans – although Heller insisted he would not vote for Clinton. But he added, “I think everybody knows what the math is”.

Trump shared his views on a range of domestic and foreign policy issues, saying he’d consider raising the minimum wage. Helped by elected and party leaders called superdelegates, Clinton is more than 90 percent of the way to clinching the nomination.

“The Cruz campaign was having a tough time”, Henson said.

Ms Clinton said she knew how to run a campaign against Mr Trump and took a swipe at Mr Trump’s 16 Republican presidential rivals who started out in the 2016 campaign. The idea that Trump will be able to swing them with a wave of working class white voters is more of media fantasy/Republican desperate hope.

Still, many party leaders, including Ryan, Bush and Romney, are keeping Trump at arm’s length.

Sanders won Tuesday’s IN primary and is aiming to pull off a string of victories against Clinton IN upcoming contests IN West Virginia, Kentucky and Oregon. “This is not a reality show”. I thought actually this thing was going to go to June 7 at the very least, probably to a convention, and so this is all pretty new for us.

“I want the primaries to keep going, but everybody’s out”.

Kasich made news in OR last month when he and Ted Cruz announced a deal.

The Trump campaign will quickly expand beyond what has been a relatively skeletal staff to do battle with Clinton’s sprawling operation.


A Democrat organization admitted in a recent memo Hillary Clinton is losing the support of blue-collar workers, and offered some suggestions to change her campaign strategy as the Republican Party remains divided over the rise of Donald Trump.

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