
Trump says Hillary Clinton attended his wedding after donation

With Hillary Clinton, I said, ‘Be at my wedding.’ And she came to my wedding.


It’s come to light that these two – Donald Trump and Bill Clinton – had a phone conversation somewhat recently.

Those with knowledge of the call in both camps said it was one of many that Clinton and Trump have had over the years, whether about golf or donations to the Clinton Foundation.

The pair had a phone conversation in May, a few weeks before Trump declared his candidacy.

To the contrary, in each instance where a person of great wealth ran for the top job in the U.S. government, they ran on either a political or public service track record-not on a platform of “I’m really rich and you’re not”.

The former president’s office spokesman admitted the pair – who have long been friends – had spoken, but said they had never discussed the presidential race.

I’m not supporting Mr. Trump in his presidential campaign, but his rhetoric is more accurately described as anti-illegal immigrant.

The Daily Beast asks if maybe Bill Clinton is “so smart that he foresaw such a turn to meanness”, then they back this up with “probably not”. The media, for covering Trump’s every utterance at the expense of all other candidates?

His comments came in response to an attack from rival Sen.

That was a rare instance in which Clinton mentioned Trump by name.

Indeed, Mr. Trump has been quite forthright in making this point.

While some anti-Trump Republicans seized on the conversation as evidence that Trump is somehow a Democratic plant, designed to wreak chaos in the GOP primary – after all, he is a sometime Democratic donor who has favored universal healthcare – the truth is likely far more banal.

After Trump made his disparaging remarks about Mexicans being criminals and rapists, some thought his campaign would be short-lived. “You know why, she had no choice”.

“The biggest thing in my life is my family and my children”, he said. “Our country’s in trouble”. “Clinton’s] feelings”, according to spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri.


“I’m gonna say, ‘Mexico, guess what?” The Clintons were photographed laughing chummily with Trump and new wife Melania Knauss at the reception, with Bill Clinton clasping Trump’s shoulder.

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