
Trump says his criticism of federal judge…

Still, the question lingers: What is Collins going to do about it?


In case you have been avoiding the internet, tv, radio and newspapers for the past week, Chabot is talking about Trump’s remarks about the U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing the Trump University case.

The talk show host played a clip of comedian Stephen Colbert to introduce his radio show segment, during which The Late Show host joked, “It looks like the general election will come down to Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump, which is fitting, really, since she’ll be the first, you know, female nominee of her party, and he’ll be his party’s last nominee”. Remember, the operating assumption for top Democrats is that, even if Trump has high name recognition due to his media ubiquity, many voters are not aware of the full specific range of wretched and depraved things he’s said and done over the past year. “Mr. Trump’s comments demonstrate both a lack of respect for the judicial system and the principle of separation of powers”. Yesterday, Ryan said Trump’s barrage against Curiel were “the textbook definition of a racist comment”, but vows to support him in November nonetheless. But that is no excuse for putting the nation in peril by endorsing Trump and thus bettering his chances, even incrementally.

Mr Mook charged Mr Trump with a history of “erratic behavior”, the same language leveled by the Obama campaign in its defeat of Republican nominee John McCain in 2008. Lawmakers’ silence and lack of backbone say enough as they continue to enable their party’s bigoted bully.

Jennings said there’s no Republican more loyal to the party than McConnell. “I find Donald Trump’s belief that an American-born judge of Mexican descent is incapable of fairly presiding over his case is not only dead wrong, it is un-American”, said Kirk. Trump has mocked disabled people, and the Department of Justice once successfully sued him for not renting apartments to black people.

Thus, for all her hedging, Collins has little to gain and a lot to lose by clinging to the delusion, as she implied Tuesday, that all of this is still fixable. “I am reminded each day that I render decisions that affect people concretely”, Sotomayor said, “and that I owe them constant and complete vigilance in checking my assumptions, presumptions and perspectives and ensuring that to the extent that my limited abilities and capabilities permit me, that I reevaluate them and change as circumstances and cases before me requires”.

Do we then excuse all that he’s said to date as the manipulative hype of a reality TV huckster?

Or are we now past the point of no return?

Ahead of her endorsement Thursday, Warren was speaking to the American Constitution Society to attack Republican Donald Trump as a “loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud”, according to excerpts her office released in advance.

But he also said in an interview that aired Tuesday evening on Fox News that Republicans who might be angry with the comments need to “get over it”.

Don’t be looking for Republican state Sen.


I suspect that most of the establishment Republicans who now meekly support Trump believe he will lose, perhaps badly, and are positioning themselves for the aftermath. “Among the two nominees right now, she is the most qualified”, Cobb says. “Nobody cares. We want to get on to where the economy is going and everything else”.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren businessman Donald Trump