
Trump says Putin is a better leader than Obama

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton chastised Republican rival Donald Trump on Thursday for hinting about things he learned in classified intelligence briefings he has received as the nominee.


Trump also angered many in the military community with mocking remarks against US Senator and former prisoner of war John McCain for being captured in Vietnam.

That largely gave Clinton and Trump the chance to repeat talking points – Clinton touting her “rock steadiness” and Trump his deal-making.

Clinton has rolled out several high-profile GOP national security figures who crossed the aisle to back her for president. Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, tells people asking about fraud that they should work at local polls.

Mr. Trump’s attack on Tuesday on Ms. Clinton and her policy in West Asia as Secretary of State was equally an assault on George W. Bush, the last Republican President who triggered the turmoil in the region with his “regime change” policies. Mr. “I think I’m in the best possible position to be able to understand that and prevent it”. “I did exactly what I should have done and I take it very seriously”.

While the two traded barbs, neither candidate was on the stage with the other.

Election training groups say officials should educate people about the process to calm concerns.

“The handsome part of getting along, Russian Federation wants to defeat ISIS as badly as we do”, he continued. “We are going to defeat ISIS without committing ground troops”.

“But certainly in that system, he’s been a leader far more than our president has been a leader”, Trump said at NBC’s commander-in-chief forum in NY. “I’ve already said he is really very much of a leader”.

Military and strategic community leaders, on the other hand, have largely been with Ms. Clinton, who gained the support of even most of the Bush-era neoconservatives.

“Do you think that you’re treated differently in this race because you’re a woman?” another reporter asked.

“We have a divided country”.

The event brought together the meticulously prepared Clinton and Trump, a NY businessman whose brash, freewheeling style has allowed him to dominate the headlines for months. “If you do that in private business, you get thrown in jail”, Trump said.

Clinton said on Thursday she would convene a meeting of bipartisan security experts on Friday to discuss the fight against Islamic State (IS) militants.

On prevention of suicide among veterans, which claims nearly 22 lives a day, according to at least one source, Trump said it was “almost impossible to conceive that this is happening in our country”.

But she did say that defeating ISIS would be top priority.

“I have a plan”. This is what Obama does. “Donald Trump simply didn’t come prepared and he’s not going to be prepared to serve as president and that was abundantly clear”.

“He’s on record extensively supporting intervention in Libya”, she said. It was actually somewhat stable. And for the first time, he opened the door to granting legal status to people living in the US illegally who join the military.

“But he came in”.

The US and Israeli governments have for several months been negotiating the terms of a new 10-year defence aid pact to replace the current one, which expires in 2018 and is worth more than Dollars 3 billion (2.7 billion euros) per year. “We got them to the negotiating table”. He added, “They’ve been doing it. And it’s not a pretty picture”, Trump said. You’ve said it’s a mistake. “I find it frustrating, but its just part of the landscape that we live in and we just keep forging ahead”.

Asked what his own strategy would look like against the militant group, Trump declined to comment.

“Yes. Very much so”.

He added: “Well, I’ve built a great company”. But, yes, there was one thing that shocked me.


The Democratic Party and the Clinton Campaign criticised Trump’s remarks and claimed by saying so, Trump has “failed” the commander-in -chief test.

Donald Trump says he will give military leaders 30 days to formulate a plan to defeat Islamic State