
Trump Says Russia’s President Putin Better Than Obama

Trump’s praise for Putin and his suggestion that the USA and Russian Federation form an alliance to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group could trouble foreign policy experts who feel Russian Federation is interfering with efforts to end the Syrian civil war.


Hillary Clinton blasted Donald Trump on Thursday for sharing insights from classified intelligence briefings during a televised forum.

American presidential candidates are not prone to condemn their country before a foreign audience, even if they are fierce critics of the current administration while campaigning in the United States. “The man has very strong control over his country”.

The couple recently met with Trump during his trip to XFINITY Arena in Everett, and if Trump wins the state, they will cast votes for the candidate during the electoral college, according to a column written for The Chronicle by Brian Mittge.

“There was one thing that shocked me”, Trump said.

U.S. officials have pointed the finger of blame at Russian Federation over a computer hacking of the Democratic National Committee – with some saying Moscow is trying to tip the vote in Trump’s favour.

Trump criticized USA policy in Iraq from the time of Republican President George W. Bush, who ordered the American-led invasion in 2003 in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks on the United States. The candidates appeared back-to-back and, on Thursday, Clinton panned Trump’s performance.

Trump also flirted with revealing what he had been learning in classified intelligence briefings given to him by US officials because he is the Republican nominee.

So are the United States service members in the audience fighting for the wrong team?

The survey found Trump with the support of 44% of likely North Carolina voters, a statistically insignificant three points better than Clinton’s 41%.

Trump spokesman Jason Miller told CNN that they were unaware King’s interview would be used as anything other than a podcast.

“I did exactly what I should have done and I take it very seriously, always have, always will”, she said.

“He’s not too much of a factor”, Trump said. But she defended her support for US military intervention to help oust a dictator in Libya, despite the chaotic aftermath. “We’ve never seen anything like this”. “And I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Russian Federation”.

Meanwhile in New York, Clinton met with national security and foreign policy experts who are supporting her campaign to discuss terrorism.

Trump is back at the center of controversy following an NBC News forum Wednesday in which he praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, falsely asserted he opposed the Iraq War, seemed to criticize U.S. generals, politicized nonpartisan intelligence briefings and stood by a tweet that implied military sexual assault is the result of women in the armed forces.

The two White House hopefuls have waged a running battle this week over who is best placed to command the world’s most powerful military, with both touting their support from retired military leaders and attacking their opponent’s temperament and judgment.


The interview was striking given that Trump spent Thursday on the defensive over some of his laudatory comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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