
Trump says US should consider racial profiling

The former secretary of state’s favorable ratings have dropped dramatically among white voters, from 59 percent in 2013, shortly after she left the Obama administration, to 38 percent in mid-2015, a few months after announcing her presidential campaign to the current low of 31 percent.


Clinton, whose plan builds on President Obama’s strategy against ISIS, continued to go after Trump and question whether his behavior – especially in reaction to the Orlando tragedy – has been presidential.

Now Trump’s defiance of political norms is being put to the test again.

Clinton criticized Trump’s comments, saying, “These are demonstrably lies, but he feels compelled to tell them because he has to distract us from the fact he has nothing to say”.

“I thought it was fantastic”, said 57-year-old Donna Wilson, a private investigator who traveled from Long Beach, California, for the event and held a sign proclaiming “The silent majority stands with Trump”. “We really have to look at profiling”.

Trump is viewed by numerous 3,000 leftists at the summit as a potentially unsafe drain on the energy rallied by the success of Sanders’ own insurgent bid – and an escape hatch for Clinton, who they fear will seek to channel anxiety over his ascent to muffle the movement’s cri de coeur about the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Trump first suggested profiling and monitoring Muslims back in December around the time he suggested a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. “Hillary is a politician through and through and she will be responsive to the pressures that can be created by the movements”.

In Obama’s mind, the logical reaction to terrorism is to deprive the terrorists of what they want, to stay firm to American values and not to indulge in theatrical vows for vengeance and bloodthirsty rhetoric.

America’s most powerful elected Republican, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, has said a Muslim ban is not in United States interests. “When it comes to issues, Trump followers are less extreme than may be expected on gay marriage, gun control and abortion but vehement on immigration and the Affordable Care Act”.

Many of Trump’s rallies throughout the campaign have been contentious, with protests both inside and outside the events. “And that is more challenging if everyone is just focused on defeating Trump”.

‘Do I agree with all the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia?

Critics say it could alienate Muslims.

Critics argue that his decision to pull all US troops out of Iraq and to sit on his hands as Syria imploded directly contributed to ISIS’ seizure of parts of the fractured nations to form its so-called caliphate.


The multichannel database marketing company Stirista recently matched the Twitter followers of the leading presidential candidates to its massive database of US consumers and businesspeople to see what insights could be gleaned from the information.

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