
Trump skips debate, wins on social media

“Everybody got more time, so that was probably pretty helpful for everybody”, said Cruz campaign manager Jeff Roe, who said that nonetheless Trump was “the elephant in the room”. Trump responded: “I love the protesters in the big arena because the cameras (don’t move away from) my face”.


Lagging Republicans jostled for second place in their crowded field, while Hillary Clinton faced more email troubles Friday as the presidential contenders barreled toward a final weekend of campaigning before Iowa’s crucial caucuses. He also is favored to win New Hampshire’s primary the following week, and 40 years of primary history suggests that kind of momentum is likely impossible to halt.

Mr Trump’s no-show plunged the presidential race into uncharted waters just days before Iowans vote on 1 February, opening the months-long nomination process to pick the Democratic and Republican candidates for the November election. They are Americans fed up with the status quo in Washington, anxious about the state of the economy and country, and exhausted of voting for people who don’t accomplish anything. If the economy is, in fact, a calming factor in Iowa and New Hampshire, it would mean a less than impressive showing for Trump and Cruz, below where they stand in the polls.

“When you’re treated badly, you have to stick up for your rights”, the 69-year-old mogul said as he opened the event, doubling-down on his claim that Fox News – and particularly its anchor Megyn Kelly – has shown bias against him.

Cruz, Rubio said, was “worried about my candidacy”.

And Marco Rubio has dropped more money on TV than any other candidate, culminating in a 30-minute advertisement he’s launching in media markets across the state.

Trump was also the most searched-for candidate on Google during the debate, according to data supplied by the search engine, which co-sponsored the event with Fox News.

Fox’s rivals at CNN and MSNBC covered Trump’s fundraiser, where the candidate made a brief speech.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted… “Rubio chose to… support amnesty”, Rubio said.

The network said its chairman, Roger Ailes, in conversations with Trump, “acknowledged his concerns” about a “satirical observation” that upset Trump. Rick Santorum. Both took the stage at Trump’s event after participating in the early, undercard debate for candidates whose poll numbers were too low to make it on the main stage.

And asked by the moderators whether Clinton should be considered accountable for her husband’s sexual relations with an intern, Rand Paul said, “she can’t be a champion of women’s rights at the same time she’s got this, that is always lurking out there, this type of behavior”.

Front and center among the seven who did debate were Cruz and Florida Sen.

“So did you”, Bush fired back, but then “you cut and run”.

Rep. Steve King, who represents that district and is co-chairman of Cruz’s campaign, said that Rubio’s views on the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage would hurt him there.


Overall, it was the best debate night to date for Bush.

GOP presidential debate in Iowa on Jan. 28 2016