
Trump Slams Carson’s Faith, Says He Had ‘Horrendous’ Abortion Views, Was

Ben Carson is not going to be the next president, that I can tell you“.


He also touts his past work on the Manhattan veterans memorial and said the difficulties facing veterans in America today are “why my campaign is so focused on these great people who have done so much for us”.

Trump went on to say Carson was just an “okay doctor” and told Cuomo to look into his record as a surgeon.

Trump took credit for the ratings success of the first Republican presidential debate on Fox News and indicated that the second debate would draw an even bigger audience.

On Thursday, Trump shot back at the retired neurosurgeon during a television interview, calling him “an okay doctor” who has held “horrendous” views on abortion. And all of a sudden he becomes this great religious figure? “I met him a couple of times”, he said. At the Family Leadership Summit in July, when asked by conservative pollster Frank Luntz if he had ever asked God for forgiveness, Trump answered that “I’m not sure I have”.

Do you think Trump will now dial it down? A CNN/ORC poll found Trump leading the crowded field by 32 percent, with Carson drawing in 19 percent of supporters – far ahead of the other candidates who were all in single digits. Ben Carson, he’s also making a lot of traction.

Both Trump and Carson are running as pro-life candidates.

Trump added that “if you look back you’ll find he’s a very different Ben Carson“.

Trump is now opposed to abortions, but only after years supporting women’s right to abortions, describing himself in 1999 as “very pro-choice”.

I don’t get that impression either; I don’t see how anyone could.


Trump, the presumptive front-runner for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, got the support of 37% of registered Republican voters in the Palmetto State, a Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll released Wednesday found. “This large contribution of many millions of dollars would be a truly wonderful thing for CNN to do”, Trump concluded. She then concluded that “maybe, just maybe, I’m getting under his skin a little bit, because I am climbing in the polls“. When I am – I mean he doesn’t even know me.

Getty Images              Jeb Bush left and Marco Rubio each have proposed fixes for the so-called marriage penalty