
Trump slams Clinton for not saying “radical Islam” during acceptance speech

She presented a sharply more upbeat view of the country than the dark vision Trump offered at last week’s Republican convention, and even turned one of Republican hero Ronald Reagan’s signature phrases against the real estate developer.


Because of his lack of experience and his explosive temperament, Clinton said that Trump could not reasonably be trusted to handle nuclear weapons.

Hillary Clinton formally accepted the Democratic nomination for president Thursday portraying herself as a unifier at a vital crossroads for America.

During her speech on Thursday to the Democratic National Convention, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a decision to go for the latter.

That’s the question New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor raises in her latest article for the paper. But her primary focus was persuading Americans to not be seduced by Trump’s vague promises to restore economic security and fend off threats from overseas.

Making a bold play for the political center ground in an election year that has seen the hard right and the hard left become louder and more shrill, Clinton vowed to “be a president for Democrats, Republicans, and Independents”.

American flags waved in the stands of the packed convention hall. But Clinton’s public perception has always been that she is not warm and is only a policy wonk. “This November, i’m voting for a woman who is my role model as a mother and as an advocate, a woman who has spent her entire life fighting for families and children”, she said.

“This is the moment, this is the opportunity for our future.”

“We realized after the primary that we understand Bernie Sanders did very well with the millennial voters in the primary”, Hinojosa said. I’m not here to take away your guns. “The family I’m from, well no one had their name on big buildings”, Clinton said in a reference to Trump. She is owned by Wall Street!

The Democratic convention has been marked by a star-studded week of powerful speeches from President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice-President Joe Biden, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders as well as former president Bill Clinton.

Some think the more meaningful barrier came down in 2008, when Americans elected the first black president.

Clinton spoke of the strains that have been placed on U.S. society during the toxic year-long campaign featuring heated rhetoric from Trump and other candidates.

“Her refusal to even say the words ‘Radical Islam”, or to mention her disaster in Libya, or her corrupt email scheme, all show how little she cares about the safety of the American people.

Pop singer Katy Perry performed before Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, introduced her mother on stage.

The crowd also heard from Khizr Khan, an American Muslim whose son was killed in US military service.

In a final barb directed at Mr Trump, she said: “What Donald Trump will never understand is that America is great, because America is good”. I’ve heard you. Your cause is our cause.

The program paid tribute to law enforcement officers killed on duty, including five who died in Dallas earlier this month in retaliation for officer-involved shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana. “Violence is not the answer”, Dallas Sheriff Lupe Valdez said.

Another highlight at the convention on Thursday was when the father of a fallen Muslim soldier challenged Donald Trump over his Muslim ban, prompting an ovation.

After more than a quarter-century on the national stage, Clinton will be hard-pressed to prove that she can, indeed, shake up the status quo and take on entrenched interests – a clear priority for many voters.


“I will carry all of your voices and stories with me to the White House”, she said. Trump tweeted a link to the statement.

DNC Wells Fargo Center stage