
Trump slams Clinton’s ‘more of the same, but worse’ in first ad

The monies are being deployed in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania – all swing states where Hillary Clinton has established a lead in the polls.


In a statement Clinton responded to Trump’s new tone saying he started the campaign by insulting people and continues to do so.

Clinton volunteers will also be out meeting voters face to face.

Clinton’s health has been a matter of scrutiny since the concussion she suffered while serving as secretary of state.

“We state that Mr. Manafort received US$12,774,869 from November 20, 2007, until October 5, 2012, from a shadow account of the Party of Regions, which was filled in a non-transparent, corrupt way”, legislator Serhiy Leshchenko told a news conference in Kiev on Friday.

In the July 28, 2015 letter, Dr. Lisa Bardack, an internist in Mount Kisco, N.Y., described Clinton “as a healthy 67-year-old female whose current medical conditions include hypothyroidism and seasonal pollen allergies”.

Trump’s son, Eric Trump, told Fox News in an interview that will air Sunday that his father anxious questions about Manafort’s past were taking attention away from the billionaire’s presidential bid.

And, in a twist, Trump’s lack of ground game campaign anywhere helps the argument that, if he put one together, his comeback could be even stronger.

Thirty percent don’t think candidates should have to release their recent medical records and 11 percent were undecided.

It is not just OH and Florida where Trump has seen this dynamic play out.

Trump’s first ad is likely to generate a tremendous amount of scrutiny, Bloomberg Politics contributor Ken Goldstein said.

If Donald Trump was to win all the remaining battleground states on the map, he’d still be shy of the 270 votes needed to win the White House which means he is going to have to pick off at least one of the states now leaning in Hillary Clinton’s direction in addition to running the table in those battlegrounds.

Their goal was to expand public perceptions of Bill Clinton to encompass other, more positive facts, such as his poor upbringing, hard family life, college scholarships and decision to return to Arkansas as a public servant rather than accept a high-paid corporate job.

Trump’s visit was one of his first steps under new campaign leadership. Bardack’s office declined to comment. “But what you have to ask yourself is, given the amount of free media this ad will attract, is which ads will end up getting more attention”. “But given that our information is limited, it would be wrong for any physician to diagnose someone without seeing them themselves”.

Trump’s decision to visit Louisiana came after the White House said President Barack Obama was unlikely to break from a New England vacation to survey the damage, despite calls for him to visit and meet with responders and victims.


Those same polls show that much of the public doesn’t like Clinton and find her untrustworthy, and she has acknowledged as much.

Donald Trump John Sharp