
Trump softer on immigration: ‘fair and humane’

“What do you have to lose?”


Donnell Weston, a 44-year-old who lives in Chicago, said that Trump’s plans to improve the lives of the people he talks about lack details.

“We’ll get rid of the crime”.

OR is a reliably blue state, and critics questioned why Trump was even spending time there in the first place when he needs to make up ground in battleground states. “But we want something fair”. “The Democratic Party has run almost every inner city for half a century or more”.

However, Rather believes Trump can overcome his missteps and soft polls numbers by continuing to speak to disenfranchised Americans. He went after MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, tweeting that the show is “unwatchable!” and said its host, Mika Brzezinski, “is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!” He has promised to carry out mass deportations and build a wall on the U.S. -Mexico border, proposals that critics have assailed as inhumane and too costly and unrealistic to achieve.

Jose Fuentes, a Trump supporter and the former attorney general of Puerto Rico, was at the roundtable with Trump on Saturday, and said he did not walk away with the interpretation that Trump was open to legalization for some undocumented immigrants. Pressed in an interview on CNN as to whether a deportation force was still on the table as a law enforcement measure, Conway said it was “to be determined”. Battleground states where her opponent, Republican candidate Donald Trump, needs to win. If they don’t have more staff, and they’re paying five times more?

Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival, tweeted: “This is so ignorant it’s staggering”.

James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director said he didn’t believe the emails had been “intentionally deleted”, but previously characterized Clinton’s handling of the material as “extremely careless”.

“Please check the pulse of any ‘#black’ not offended by #Trump saying, ‘You walk down the street, you get shot!’ #whatdoyouhavetolose”. But most people probably aren’t that savvy.

Trump tried once more for the African-American vote, when the controversial candidate spoke at a campaign rally in Akron, Ohio, on Monday, August 22.

In addition, during a phone interview with Fox News, Trump revived his line of attack on Clinton’s longtime aide, Huma Abedin, whose husband, former NY congressman Anthony Weiner, resigned his seat in 2011 after a sexting scandal.

“We’re not buying a shirt at one of the stores that we can take back”. “Show us what you have to hide …”

A new style was immediately evident as Trump, in a first, offered regrets for any remarks that had caused offense, stuck with his teleprompter at a series of events, and paid a visit to flood-ravaged Louisiana.


Trump said he faces an ongoing IRS audit, although the agency says that does not prevent him from releasing his returns.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump