
Trump Speechwriter Accepts Responsibility For Using Michelle Obama’s Words

Her statement, on Trump Org. letterhead, was tweeted by the candidate.


Anti-Trump protesters burned an American flag and were arrested outside the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on Wednesday, July 20, 2016.

Questions have lingered over why the Trump campaign had not run simple plagiarism software that is commonly used to ensure that speakers do not inadvertently lift other people’s words, and why the campaign sought to deny and brush away the problem. So why did the Trump campaign initially argue that no language had been purloined, thereby dragging this story out for several days? Manafort on Wednesday called it merely an “undertone” of the event and stood by the assertion that Clinton should be in jail.

Many Republican pundits believe Mr Pence’s brand of evangelical Christian conservatism serves as a counterbalance to Mr Trump’s brash demeanour and lack of political experience. The Indiana governor was selected by Trump last week.

Trump, who had largely stayed out of the conversation surrounding his wife’s speech, finally broke his silence on Twitter, falsely claiming the speech to have gotten “more publicity than any in the history of politics”.

McIver said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump rejected her offer to resign from the Trump Organization.

Cruz fans, many Texan wearing cowboy hats, appeared to support Trump through gritted teeth as they listened to country western music at Tusker’s Roadhouse on the shores of the Cuyahoga River a few miles from downtown Cleveland.

Trump’s son, Eric, will be the third of the candidate’s children to address the convention. But the Donald Trump campaign has devised a variety of (often conflicting) explanations to justify cribbing multiple passages from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech. “I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches”, McIver said in the statement.

That small section of Melania Trump’s 15-minute speech was similar to part of Michelle Obama’s convention speech in 2008, in support of her husband Barack Obama.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Melania Trump enlisted McIver to help rewrite a speech penned by speechwriters Matthew Scully and John McConnell, who reportedly first learned of the rewrites when Melania was delivering her remarks onstage.

Wednesday’s theme will focus on how to make the United States return to “once again be a beacon of progress and opportunity” under a Trump presidency.

She is expected to formally receive the Democratic Party’s nomination at a party convention in Philadelphia later this month.


On Tuesday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a former federal prosecutor, laid out an aggressive case against Clinton as the crowd yelled “Lock her up!” The writer said she took notes from the conversation.

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