
Trump spoke with Florida attorney general before donation, despite claims

What is puzzling, given the blanket coverage of the Clinton Foundation, is why the report of a foundation linked to a presidential nominee giving money to an attorney general weighing an investigation of an alleged scam involving the nominee should not get equal billing.


Bookbinder says the timing of Trump’s gift was also suspicious, coming just days after a newspaper reported that Attorney General Bondi’s office was reviewing a lawsuit that the state of NY had filed against Trump University.

“I never even spoke to her about it at all”.

The Republican candidate’s press secretary confirmed to multiple news outlets that Trump paid a $2,500 fine over the donation to a campaign group linked to AG Pam Bondi. The contribution was reportedly solicited by Bondi.

To be exact it took place on September 17, 2013, four days after it was reported that Bondi’s office was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University, the Associated Press reported earlier this year.

Fast-forward three years, and there’s Pam Bondi delivering a prime-time address to the Republican National Convention on the subject of law enforcement.

After the donation came in, Bondi did not continue with the legal action.

“He made a political contribution to the attorney general of Florida who at the time had her office investigating Trump University”, Clinton added. “Any news story that suggests otherwise is completely false”.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office announced in 2013 that it might join Schneiderman’s probe, but ultimately decided against it.

Many of these accounts also pointed out how the Trump foundation contribution violated IRS rules, as tax-exempt charitable institutions are forbidden to make political donations. The complaint alleges that Trump used his foundation for his personal benefit. The Trump Organization told the Washington Post that the donation had been made by mistake and “wasn’t done intentionally”. “It wasn’t done intentionally to hide a political donation, it was just an error”.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway insisted on Bloomberg that any suggestion of a tit-for-tat deal between the two was “ridiculous”. When asked for one, Trump has made some vague comments about NY zoning laws, which is a very limited answer when you’ve been talking about dominating the entire political system of both parties. While bribery is a serious allegation, some are accusing the #Donald Trump campaign of being linked to potential illegal activity. “I think the question should be, ‘what does this say about how they expect elected officials should operate and what does this say about how they would govern?'” “They are there for me”, he bragged during the first presidential debate.

Shortly after that, one of Trump’s foundations wrote a $25,000 check to “And Justice For All”, a PAC supporting Bondi’s campaign. “Mr. Trump talks to a hundred people in any given day”. She also insinuated that the money was given as part of a quid pro quo, reporting, “Today Bondi accused Hillary Clinton of trying to gin up outrage….”


Both of these statements can not be true.