
Trump spreads claim that Clinton’s ‘mentor’ was ‘KKK member’

He said other traditional swing states such as Virginia and Colorado are becoming safer bets for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, meaning her campaign is going to spend even more time focusing on Florida.


CHRISTIE: I like – no, listen, my view on it is that you have to look at what the message is. That’s also part of Donald Trump’s plan.

Those are all pretty standard conservative policy points on immigration, which might reassure mainstream Republicans somewhat.

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Saturday that if elected his first priority would be to deport thousands of illegal immigrants who have committed crimes.

But Trump was less eager to talk about what he would do with the rest of the roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants now living in the U.S.

Trump has vowed to kick more than 10 million undocumented immigrants out of the country using a “deportation force” and to build a wall along the USA border with Mexico.

Trump has long promised to deport the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in America and has pledged to halt immigration from countries dealing with Islamist terror attacks, after previously stating that he would temporarily bar all Muslims from coming to the United States.

The Republican candidate for the White House insisted it would build a big wall on the border with Mexico and strengthen controls to detect undocumented immigrants who try to obtain benefits or foreigners who exceed the date of expiry of their visa.

Recent polls indicate Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is ahead in some of the most competitive and pivotal states.

“The fact that you see Democrats and Hillary Clinton and her running mate rolling out the same old playbook of racial divisiveness sounds a little bit to me like an act of desperation”.

Calling it “a exhausted, disgusting argument”, he said it was Clinton who was being a “racist” by viewing minorities merely as a source of votes while doing nothing for them. Trump’s latest effort includes promoting debunked conspiracy theories about the health of #Hillary Clinton.

With Election Day just over 70 days away, #Donald Trump is pulling out all the stops in an attempt to improve his falling poll numbers. Her campaign says no donors received any special favors.

His surrogates on Sunday refused to comment on Trump’s reaction to the fatal shooting of National Basketball Association star Dwyane Wade’s cousin Friday, as she pushed her baby in a stroller in Chicago.

Trump also has sought to court black votes, promising to help African Americans find jobs.

In a gesture to Iowa’s agriculture industry, Trump renewed his commitment to continuing a requirement that all gasoline sold contain an ethanol-based additive, an issue important to corn growers.

“What I said was, he’s got guys connected to the Ku Klux Klan who are out, they’re claiming”, he said.

Republican nominee Donald Trump continues his upward climb as Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton falls in a new national poll, published Sunday by private polling firm Morning Consult.


Giving in to the persistent urging of party leaders, Trump has begun relying more on a TelePrompter, allowing for fewer troublesome off-the-cuff remarks.

Trump rebukes racism claims as Clinton warns of radicalism