
Trump staffer ‘feels terrible’ for chaos caused over Melania’s plagiarised speech

A speech writer for Melania Trump offered to resign but Donald Trump refused to accept it after a plagiarism debacle at the Republican National Convention.


Meanwhile, as the speech ended, Cruz’s wife Heidi was jeered and escorted out of the hall for her own safety. “Over the phone”, Melania Trump “read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples”.

“I think that the number of people who were disappointed with [Cruz] yesterday included many people who have supported him in the primaries”, said Dhillon, who added that she too was a Cruz supporter at times during the campaign.

Just after 11 p.m. ET, as Trump was leaving the arena, reporters shouted questions about the Cruz speech at him, and he simply replied, “I loved it.” “No harm was meant”, McIver said in a statement released by the Trump Organization.

McIver says she attempted to submit her resignation on Tuesday, but Trump rejected it because “people make innocent mistakes”.

And Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said that Melania Trump “really wanted to communicate to Americans in phrases they’ve heard before”.

“I apologize for the confusion and hysteria my mistake has caused”, she wrote.

For Melania Trump, 46, a Slovenian-born former model who is Donald Trump’s third wife and 24 years his junior, the controversy marred a moment in the spotlight that had been months in the making.

“There’s no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech”.

Holding huge fabric signs reading “Wall off Trump” and chanting the same thing, the demonstrators formed a human line in the middle of the city Wednesday, on the corner of 4th and Prospect according to one person on the ground.

Trump adviser Paul Manafort acknowledged both elements Wednesday, noting the campaign is “trying to show other parts of his personality”.

Manafort said “similar words” were used, but the “feelings of those words and commonality of those words do not create a situation where we feel we have to agree with you”.

“The media is spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania’s speech than the Federal Bureau of Investigation spent on Hillary’s emails”, he also wrote.


“Melania Trump said, “You work hard for what you want in life”; Akon said, “Work hard for what you get in life”; John Legend said, “Work hard, ‘” Spicer told MSNBC”.

Image Indian-born Sikh Republican activist Harmeet Dhillon adjusts her scarf as she prepares to deliver the invocation at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland