
Trump starts Colorado Springs speech by ripping the local fire marshal

He added that although he disagrees with Trump’s policies, his visit was “a good thing” and “healthy”, and that the best way to let people know that they disagree with Trump’s message is to “let them hear him talk” rather than barring him from campus.


Back in June, Romney said Trump could legitimize racism and bigotry and change the moral fabric of the U.S. society, if wins the presidency. The FBI said it was working to determine the “accuracy, nature and scope” of the cyberattacks.

Mr Trump also reiterated his campaign promises of building a wall on the US-Mexico border, restricting refugees and bringing manufacturing jobs back to the country. The hackers had access to the programme for about five days. The Democratic convention, however, had more overall viewers during the four nights. Clinton and Kaine begin a three day bus tour through the Rust Belt. “I’m taking the gloves off”, he said.

But as the crowd chanted the slogan in Colorado Springs, Trump finally relented.

He said the speech was, “full of cliches” and lies about him. But he grew harsher as his event went on. “So you ready? Actually, some of the folks I defeated they probably would say, ‘Boy, he was not very nice'”.

Mrs Clinton followed her historic acceptance speech last Thursday as the first female presidential nominee for a major party with a rally in Philadelphia last Friday, before embarking on a bus tour of Rust Belt states Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Critics have said the ever-present “lock her up” chant at Trump rallies and the Republican National Convention are a unsafe precedent, with threats to lock up political opponents something out of a third-world dictatorship. “But you know what, I’m starting to agree with you”.

Clinton, who has spent more than three decades in public life, has promised to make new jobs a priority, saying she alone has the skills, experience and temperament needed to make incremental progress. Trump asked. “I’ve been nice”.

All week Mr Trump has sought to tamp down the chants by stressing that his main goal is to simply beat Mrs Clinton in the 8 November presidential election.

Another 1,000 people were escorted to an overflow room, while thousands more were turned away.

Clinton’s unpopularity is second only to Trump’s, with a disapproval rating of 55 percent compared to his 57 percent, according to recent averages.

Mrs Clinton is playing up economic opportunity, diversity and national security. “Democrats don’t win politically when Americans are united”.

Their goal is to turn out the coalition of minority, female and young voters that twice elected Obama while blunting some of the expected losses among the white men drawn to Trump’s message.


“General George Patton, who was rough as hell-he wouldn’t be doing emails when he’s gonna be ready to attack”. I didn’t know it at all. “Your cause is our cause”.

Hillary Clinton sets out her stall during a rally at Broad Street Market in Harrisburg Pennsylvania