
Trump Sticks to Familiar Themes As He Accepts Republican Nomination for President

Thursday night he vowed to rebuild the military “and the countries that we protect, at a massive loss, will be asked to pay their fair share”.


Chants of “U.S.A! U.S.A!” Since the Trump campaign released a draft of the speech beforehand, Politico fact checked the speech, and there’s, let’s say, lots of Trumpiness rather than truthiness in his words.

“I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves”, he told delegates in Cleveland, Ohio. He began by stating that the convention was happening “at a moment of crisis” for the United States. “Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country”. He refused to say whether he would vote for Trump, who during the primary battles insulted Mr Cruz’s wife, Heidi, for her physical appearance and suggested that his father was linked to late President John F. Kennedy’s assassin. She also said that as a young girl, her father told her that if she was going to think at all, she should “think big”.

The Maryland Democratic Party, however, criticized Trump on Twitter for avoiding specific policy details in his remarks. Trump shouted throughout as he read off a teleprompter, showing few flashes of humor or even a smile. In short order, Trump accused Clinton, among other things, of manipulating the media, leaving behind a legacy of “death, destruction, and weakness” and essentially creating ISIS.

The billionaire real estate mogul will also cast himself as a champion for blue-collar workers and the middle class, arguing that by putting presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the White House, economic strife would grow.

In a direct appeal to Americans shaken by a summer of violence at home and around the world, Mr Trump promised that if he takes office in January, “safety will be restored”.

He pledged to stick to his most controversial proposals, which include building a wall along the entire US-Mexico border and suspending immigration from nations “compromised by terrorism”.

He took the stage in Cleveland facing a daunting array of challenges, many of his own making. What are your thoughts on Donald Trump’s convention speech? At times, voters saw confusion and disagreement – the plagiarism dustup over Melania Trump’s speech and Texas Senator Ted Cruz’ refusal to endorse Trump.

Google also said that there was a 15,000 percent increase in searches on Thursday night for LGBTQ, the acronym that Trump used during his speech.

A year ago, Trump seemed like a presidential long shot. The actor chronicled Trump’s life, including his business accomplishments and his family, who have been a key focal point throughout the convention. But his economic proposals were vague, with unspecified plans to create millions of jobs.


“Middle-income Americans and businesses will experience profound relief, and taxes will be greatly simplified for everyone”.

Ivanka Trump speaks at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland