
Trump struggles for support from GOP leaders

“I will tell you, about every two hours people contact me about how to join this effort”, said Lonegan said.


Thanks to historical precedent, we know, generally at least, the answer to that riddle.

“It’s not an effort for a candidate or against a candidate, but it’s an effort to educate people on what their real authority is and have them get the comfort that they’re not alone, ” said Eric O’Keefe, a party operative based in Detroit who is a member of the group. Some are cowed by fear.

And finding a Republican to replace Trump is going to be almost impossible; it’s basically a political-career suicide mission. That would be a mistake, as many of them now seem to have no convictions.

Trump opponents have been getting some high-profile cover as well. But once his own presidential campaign collapsed, Christie shamelessly endorsed Trump, tossing to the wind not only all of his previously held reservations about Trump but also his pride, his dignity and his credibility.

At a news conference on Thursday, Ryan said that it was “not my plan” to withdraw his endorsement of Trump even though he continued to conduct media interviews and denigrate the presumptive GOP nominee.

In yet another sign of GOP waffling bound to infuriate Donald Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan says Republicans should follow “their conscience” in deciding whether to endorse the billionaire real-estate tycoon as the party’s nominee. In a handful of others, he has no more than one. The New York Times also pointed out that such an admission is doubly surprising, as Trump has been known to “often [invoke] unscientific polls as examples of his strength and [mention] surveys that have questionable methodology”. That’s despite the fact that Trump shows no sign of tempering either his language or his views. Republican officials reacted with similar disdain after Trump insinuated President Barack Obama may sympathize with terrorists in the wake of the weekend Orlando massacre.

Thankfully, some Republicans are fed up and have the courage to say so.

Priebus tapped RNC vice chairwoman Enid Mickelsen and former George W. Bush political director Ron Kaufman to co-chair the convention Rules Committee.

In recent days, Republicans like Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and Rep. Fred Upton of MI have also refused to endorse the party’s presidential candidate, and it appears that this kind of reluctance is starting to annoy Trump and his backers.

Ryan’s comments came as Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., a 30-year House veteran and committee chairman, said he will not endorse Trump for president.

One prominent Iowa Republican, Sen.


Bill Kristol, longtime foe of Trump and editor of The Weekly Standard, is urging the party to “cut the thread” with the still-presumptive nominee. Fast forward to present day and Trump is the Republican nominee, much to the chagrin of party leaders. Pat McCrory of North Carolina at a fundraiser in Greensboro, according to a person familiar with the meeting. Sen. “This is the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy”, Graham fumed. This wave of anti-Trump sentiment comes as numerous GOP leaders announce they will not support a Trump campaign.

Paul Ryan